Tuesday 6 July 2010

Guilt ridden.

Slating people who've sought my advice really doesn't sit well with my conscience and I have to confess to feeling terribly guilty for the past few days (since my last post), and deservedly so.  I could of course go back and delete the offensive blurb but part of my commitment to writing is that nothing can be amended after 24 hours of publishing ....this being the only way to maintain a true reflection of the real me.  So, I am just going to have to accept that I'm not half as nice a person as I like to believe.  Although I was pre-menstrual at the time which surely has to bring me down a few notches on the bitchometer.  The fact that I am always pre, post or presently menstrual and blaming my moods on it, I feel, is irrelevant.

A further source of guilt and remorse is that my diet is dying.  In fact who am I trying to kid....it's dead, cremated and just waiting for an official ash spreading ceremony.    I have regained four pounds and feel like a whale of bloatedness and cellulite.  Admittedly I appreciate that four pounds in itself can't much alter the way I look, but in my minds eye I have digressed from sylph to slob;  Cheryl Cole to Chubby Brown and all on account of a few pot noodles.  Hardly seems fair.  But then life is not fair, and if the biggest injustice I'm feeling is the resulting weight gain from eating several (hundred) treats, my life is hardly troubled. 

However it isn't the biggest injustice I'm feeling......no indeed,  there is something bigger and even more worthy of a paragraph of whining.  Today, to add insult to injury, the Department for Work and Pensions called to ask if they could visit me at home next week to give me a Caution.  How big do they think my living room is?   Wow!  Not only do I have to repay the overpaid benefit (see previous posts for more info on that little chestnut)  but because I should have known the rules and realised that I earned £9.80 a week over the  limit (after allowable expenditure of  tax, national insurance and childcare at a rate of up to 50% of the remainder of the balance of your weekly wage, so complex that even the chappy I spoke to admitted  he himself didn't know the rules)  they have a right to prosecute me.

Fortunately (or so I was told) they understand that the error was genuine and therefore only wish to give me a formal warning.  Not as much as the something I'd like to give them.   I am now debating whether I shall refuse to sign their document in protest against this further recrimination, as I would quite happily tell my story in Court just for a chance to expose 'the system'.  My reticence is that it could all backfire and leave me with a whopping great fine to pay as well.  My nature is telling me to oppose it, but my bank balance is screaming something else; something along the lines of "this is hardly up there with the likes of the Kennedy Assasination and Roswell....in other words no-one actually gives a crap" . 

What would you do?  Comments on a postcard please.  Be aware though that should the majority of you recommend a contest which results in my incarceration, I will be relying upon my readers to start a "Free the Shropshire One" campaign.

Don't count on me to take part in a hunger strike though. 


  1. OOh That's a hard one! I am definately like you. I would want to expose the blood suckers for what they really are. In your situation at the time did they ask if you understood everything? Did you sign to say you understood? Also is mental anguish taken into account in such cases? It all seems to be very one way. You sign here, we give you money but even if your mind is like jelly when committing, we can still take your soul at any time if you put a foot wrong! All those people deliberately screwing the system and they come after the people that genuinely made a mistake. Makes me mad i tell you!
    Have you been to citizens advice to see what they say?

  2. Hi Bambi,

    This is a tough one. I would be furious too and would want to take them on just to prove that their rules are unclear and that you didn't claim the money intentionally. I've had issues with the Dutch tax man in the past and I knew that I was in the right and was completely convinced of my innocence. But this only took a few Sunday afternoons to write my appeal after which I had to wait for about 1 year to get my money back. At that time I even felt that if they were to take me to court, I would win the case as I certainly hadn't made a mistake, they had. However, in your case you have perhaps made a mistake but it was not your intention to do so as the rules were not made clear enough to you and someone in DWP could, at that time, have said: sorry Mrs. Ford, I don't think you're entitled to this allowance as you earn too much. It's just very annoying that we are supposed to know everything and point out to them when things are not right. So I'm not sure what I would do and if I would want to have all the stress that comes with it. I'd probably pay up and write a complaint letter and I don't know if you can also send a complaint to the Ombudsman or something. And of course, write a letter to Watchdog, always nice to let them mention the DWP's mistakes and blunders.

    Tough one! Good luck with it.


  3. I would request, from the relevent department and SIGNED by the responsible person in charge a written and clearly understandable detail of exactly what it was I did wrong. I would also get in touch with the organisation that deals with Government Gobbledegook and bring your situation to their notice. I would ask how much this is all costing in time, effort and money and bring that to the attention of one or two newspapers. I would, at every turn, make all and any departments you deal with ,aware that copies were being sent to everyone else. I would then sit back and see what happens. After Chris' event you could have all sat back and taken from "the State", you didn't do that and now they are getting picky about a pittance. Shame on the lot of them. I would be tempted to let it run it's course except that it does NOT look good on an accountants CV that one has been accused of fraud !!! |( Mmmmmm......on the other hand that MIGHT be seen as a talent ! )
    In any event you can rely on me to head any campaigns ! xxx

  4. YES YOU ARE A COW!! I can't believe you have broadcast my Marmite addiction. Just because I have a "need to indulge" and an "obsession which compels" me to do it. Ok so I will never be Marmite 'clean' and it could in fact destroy my breath. I know I said I want to be free of it. It does sometimes make me miserable and unpopular. I know it's obvious then that something needs to change. I know I declared my commitment to making the necessary sacrifices and since made no attempt to amend my habits, and continue to maintain that I want help and ask for your advice.
    And now I find I frustrate you with my incessant complaints whilst making no attempt to alter anything yet keep on asking the same question "what should I do?". So yes, you are possibly the last person I should come to for advice. I will stick with Marmite and never mention it to you again. Happy now???!!!!!!!!

  5. I am so so sorry, and will even eat an entire jar of the filthy stuff just to demonstrate how utterly sorry I am. Forgive me?? P.S. whichever anonymous this is perhaps you should take over my blog....funny.

    And thank you to Suzanne, Ma and Emma....advice duly noted and in consideration.
