Saturday 9 January 2010

On a more serious note.

I was greeted this morning by an envelope addressed to myself, in my own handwriting laying on the mat. Either this was a letter from my evil alien twin or my race day information from a 10k in Farndon which I have put mine (and my sister's) names down for. Sure enough that was it....we are numbers 41 and 42. Exciting. It's on the 7th March which gives me precisely 8 weeks to prepare. Let's hope it is enough.

Sadly today it was my experience to attend the funeral of a little girl I had the pleasure of knowing, who died tragically in an accident over the Christmas period. Needless to say it was an extremely emotional event; both traumatic and inspiring at the same time. Offering words of comfort were her grandmother and her father, both of whom spoke with such wisdom and a deep comprehension of the purpose of this life that I felt it was a privelidge to listen to their comments.

I remember in my past running endeavours deciding that these daily jogs were a great metaphor for life itself. Today I contemplate this once again. First and foremost the concept that we are at liberty to choose for ourselves whether to ever take that initial step toward our first mile. To decide to push ourselves beyond what is comfortable right now, knowing that the eventual outcome, though out of reach at present, will one day be a reality and a gift. Days when we feel highly motivated, then days when it is more than we can stand to thrust our bodies out of bed and in to the cold, but we do it despite ourselves. There are days when our body is nimble and we feel delighted with our progress, then lead legs days when we wonder if we have come very far atall. Days when it is a pleasure, days when it is a curse. In past years I've run in the rain, the wind, the sun and the snow, and come to understand that there are pros and cons to each. Probably the greatest thing I have learnt though is that if we put off the run today, it will only be harder tomorrow. There is a price to everything.

The price of love, as someone said today, is that our losses become so much more acute. If we never loved we would never hurt, but we would also never feel that euphoric happiness which comes from loving in the right way. As the saying goes "It is better to have loved and lost, than never loved at all".

Bless you Arwen. x

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