Monday 25 January 2010


So the scales haven't shifted in over a week which is really beginning to tick me off.  Putting it very politely.  Seeking inspiration I decided to google "why aren't I losing weight" in the hope there would be some online diet guru offering an almighty fatbusting revelation.  After twenty one years of yo-yo dieting I am fairly certain there is little I do not know on the subject but I'm open to suggestion nevertheless. 

First listed was the "age causes our metabolism to slow therefore hindering weight loss" concept.  This, I can safely say, does not apply to me, a) because I am only 27 (in my own head) and b) my metabolism is already so slow that the contents of my gut are practically vintage.  I daresay you could find the remains of a few oven crunchies in there if you looked hard enough.   If  a Greyhound were the symbol of a healthy metabolic rate, mine would look much like an obese, arthritic Shar Pei.

Secondly "are you eating enough to lose weight"................... I'm sorry, did I miss something?  Isn't the very point of 'dying with a T' that you try NOT to eat enough.  Oh I know there is a school of thought which claims if you don't eat sufficient amounts you'll actually retain weight but, hello, does no-one remember Band Aid (and no I don't mean the plasters).  Not wishing to appear blazay but surely the fact that famine is a legitimate killer proves that the "under-eating causes weight gain" theory is a load of old cobblers.  Probably invented to placate the 300 million obese people worldwide, who are fortunate enough to have the option to binge (and yes I include myself in that figure).

And thirdly, this smug excerpt from the beautiful 'Brett' at Sheer Balance (presumably located in the good old U. S. of A.), in which she discusses Brenda, a close family friend who is unable to lose weight. 

"Brenda has “tried” a lot of things to slim down, but for some reason, never really has been successful. This last go-round of attempts included an exercise program.  Brenda "claimed" that she went to the gym 3 times a week for about an hour and a half each visit and that she incorporated weights and cardio.  Unfortunately, much like her other attempts at losing weight, this too has not been successful.  After asking Brenda a couple of questions to gauge what she was doing while she was at the gym, it became clear to me that Brenda was in a state of delusion…....Because people like Brenda think that the act of physically going to the gym means that there will be results.".

What WHAT WHAT?????? You mean that simply putting on my neon shorts and headband whilst sitting around watching Jeremy Kyle won't actually make me fitter???   I feel so cheated.  Which reminds me of a joke (but not about cheating...)

"Just been to the gym and there's a new machine there.  I only used it for about an hour, as I started to feel sick, but it's great:it's got KitKats, Mars bars, crisps and everything in it".  Boom Boom.
Now if Brett were my 'friend' and had put 'tried' and 'claimed' in those inverted commas, probably wiggling her two slender fingers in the air as she said it, I can safely say she would find herself losing several pounds, i.e. her pretty blonde head.  Just like those incredibly pompous friends who say "you know it's quite simple, all you have to do is........".  Well if it were that simple stick people, why aren't we all thin????  Because weight loss is as much psychological as anything else.  We all know what we should  do.  It's the doing it that's the problem and that's because life is anything but simple. 

Similarly anyone who tries to tell you that obesity and genetics are unrelated is also lying through their teeth.   As with most aspects of life, we are far from being on an even playing field.  I spent an entire week once eating something utterly ridiculous like turnips and boiled beetroot, only to get on the scales and have lost a measly two pounds.  My husband, who lives on a diet of at least 3500 calories a day and is forever trying to gain weight got on the same scales the same morning and had lost 4 pounds just because he'd made a particularly large deposit on the loo.  

But perhaps I am placing far too much emphasis on the scales and what they say.  They're only numbers after all.  Unfortunately for women probably the most significant numbers in her life (bar the numbers at the bottom of her husband's payslip).  I once hid the scales you know.  Well actually I didn't hide them as that would have been fairly redundant unless I have Alzheimers; I got Chris to hide them for me.  Told him that under no circumstances was he to allow me to use them.  Lasted four days by which time I was hysterical and threatening all manner of radical action if he didn't give them back.  He finally caved when I said I was going to spend money on a new set.

Anyway have been up the Wrekin today which didn't phase me physically much at all, again reassuring me that this is all worthwhile.  Later had a brief jog with Corrinna....just enough to get the heart racing.  Am very pleased that I can see such improvements because they really do motivate me to take it further.  Who knows what the future holds and where I will be a year from now.

Probably in traction.


  1. Still me, AS anonymous. I know you are hooked on weight as an indicator of FAT but it really IS'NT.Go by how you FEEL, if you getting fitter it WILL be muscle, there WILL be less fat. Do not be disheartened. Just keep going. XXX p s Blase, not blazay. Think it also has a little thingy above the e.

  2. I know I know but it still feels good to see the scales going down.

    Also blase...couldn't figure out how to do the accented e so thought I'd spell it phonetically. If I said I was being 'blase' might sound like I'm trying to get down with the young folk!!
