Tuesday 26 January 2010

At last my chance to be Mrs Pitt.

How can I not be happy today?  Britain has successfully clawed its way out of a recession, Brad has left Angelina (obviously he too has been reading this blog and wants a piece of me) and the scales finally shifted in the right direction.  Okay so it was only a marginal amount but every little counts as they say at Tescos, or is that Asda?  Who cares, I shop at Sainsburys - where everything is well overpriced but at least you don't have to carry a can of mace spray in your basket.

Now that the big R has ended I wondered this morning whether the green shoots of economic growth may have spread as far as this house.  With great trepidation I opened my purse to see if perhaps I would be slightly wealthier today than yesterday.  Unfortunately it was as empty as it had been the night before.   I then checked my online banking thinking this new found financial security must be somewhere around, but no my current account remains as overdrawn as ever.  In fact even more so.   I am confused.  If we are all now being told to breathe a sigh of relief because we're suddenly better off than we were yesterday, when am I actually going to get some money?  And furthermore how does a recession end overnight???  Did someone decide at 2am this morning to go on a huge spending spree?  Personally I'm not convinced.  I suspect the recession isn't really over....just entering more of a 'depression' stage. I also suspect that before the year is out my own finances may have depleted enough to warrant shopping at Farm Foods.  If it does ever come to that, I ask those of you who truly love me to turn the machine off, so to speak.

That's all for tonight folks.  Didn't do any exercise as have worked pretty much all day on various things.  Feeling shattered and in definite need of some beauty sleep.

Night night x x


  1. Feeling incredibly shallow and I know you wrote lot of OTHER stuff, which by the way I always enjoy and wonder how you manage to be so focused as to write everyday....BUT.....has Brad REALLY left Angelina???? LOL! Have a good sleep x

  2. Tragically no! It was all a nasty rumour cooked up by the media. Oh well, better luck next time.

    Thanks, incidentally, for all your lovely comments. I really do love getting a bit of feedback.

    Hope all is well with you and yours. x x

  3. Bambi, Loving the Blog!!! But If you ever see me in Asda, please don't mace me!
    Also, I cannot believe you have put your street name in the blog! If not to stop predators lurking, but too prevent identity theft. Don't do it :(
    Keep up the brilliant work. Also on a different note....KNOWING uses up a lot of calories ;)
