Wednesday 13 January 2010

All figured out.

No, unfortunately I am not referring to my life, just my head, which is literally full of figures from today's AAT course. Did I mention that I am currently trying to qualify for the Technician level? This time in 8 months I shall no longer be Abigail Ford the nobody, rather Abigail Ford MAAT. Impressed. You should be. Apparently only about 5% of students complete the course in 6 months which is the target I have set myself. Hmmmm another punishing schedule..... maybe I really would like S&M.

The course itself is held in Birmingham which means each Wednesday morning I have the delight of travelling on the London Midland Train Service. Actually it wasn't half bad today, as it happens. What is bad is that I think I may have a freak magnet embedded somewhere in my forehead. I use 'freak' in the most endearing of manners, but I genuinely worry why all lost, old and insane people feel the need to communicate with me? Let me know if you have a similar problem so I can try and establish a pattern; all short people?, all women?, all beautiful kind looking ones? (yes that must be it).

I arrived at Birmingham with about 45 minutes to spare before lessons started so decided I would go to the Bullring and do a spot of shopping. Being such an early bird none of the stores were actually open so I picked the one I most wanted to visit and decided to sit down outside of it. For some reason Birmingham, along with having no bins - presumably for fear of explosives - also has no benches. Never let the lack of a seat stop you though, is my ethos, especially when you have an extremely large squidgy bottom. So yes I decided to sit on the floor. In Birmingham this is a BIG mistake. First it began with pitying glances, then the centre security started to pace back and forth in front of me and finally, when a smart looking business man opened his wallet and said "here you are love, go get a cuppa - and a wash" I realised my folly....

On the exercise front, aside from traversing one end of Birmingham High Street to the other and walking out at lunch to go fetch the nicest Baked Potato ever (really hot Chilli and Cheese, loads of pepper and a spot of butter.. mmmm mmmm), I have barely moved. So it's a rap on the knuckles for me today. But there are still another 2 hours and 42 minutes of the day left so I am sure Chris and I can get down and dirty and use up some calories....apparently fist fighting is a super fat burner.

I'll post the photos later.

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