Friday 15 January 2010


I wish I had something amazing to say about today, but I don't.
In my fantasy though, this is what happened......

I woke up this morning, at 6am, bright eyed and raring to go, to the sound of robins tweet tweet tweeting on my window ledge.  I sprang out of bed and ran to the scales to discover that I had lost a whopping 2 stones overnight.  Hurrah.   Looked in the mirror and noted my flawless complexion, my perfect hairstyle and thought to myself how fortunate I was to be such a handsome woman.

I then hoovered the house (quietly so as not to wake the children), dusted, cleaned the bathrooms, mopped the floors, did every scrap of laundry and all in the space of twenty minutes......actually who am I kidding, this is a fantasy right?  Backstep.  I answered the door to my housemaid. Or should I say houseman.  All 6 foot two of his rippling muscles, dark glossy hair, kind green eyes and a degree from Oxford in Literature and Contemporary American History mingled with a spot of Politics.  (Unfortunately for him the graduate market right now is very competitive and the only work he can obtain is cleaning...shame).

After dealing with him, I dressed in to my running gear (oh wait a minute, perhaps I should have put my clothes on before answering the door....whoops), and jogged a quick 10k in just less than 45 minutes.  Got home at 7am to a spanking clean house and the sound of my childrens' laughter as they awoke from their dreams of sugar, spice and all things nice.   Wafting through the air was the smell of cooked breakfast (made by the maidman) which we all sat down to eat with not a single bickering word to be heard.

I helped the children get ready for school; bathed, brushed, clean pressed uniforms and completed homework in bags then sent them on their way, holding hands and singing as they walked.  Such contented beings the world has never seen.

As my car was in dire need of replacement and our bank balance was looking incredibly healthy I decided to visit a car dealership and treat myself to the latest Mini Cooper (which I have had my eye on for some time).   Silver body with full leather interior.  Nice.  Exhausted after so much exertion I felt a massage was in order, so off to the spa for me, book in hand, to be pampered and preened for the remainder of the afternoon.

I got back just in time to do a little charity work (speaking to the presidential office to arrange emergency aid and such)  before nipping back to school to fetch my delightful children and bringing them home to a meal prepared by my personal chef .

After a couple of hours of playing games, drawing, dressing up (with the younger ones) and having meaningful adult conversations with the older ones I have now read them all to sleep and am ready to retire myself.   But only after my wonderful Husband returns home from his super high flying, mega bucks job, with a bouquet of flowers in hand and tells me that I really am the woman of his dreams.

Fantasies eh....!

I suppose I should tell you that in reality I did do exercise, and I have been a very good girl on the eating front.  Tomorrow big sis and I are trying a four mile jog.  Holy moly I am done for.

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