Sunday 24 January 2010

Knowing me, knowing you....a ha

Awoke this morning in a most melancholy state.  Generally I thought the morning after a curry an upset tummy is the usual result, but instead I merely have an upset mind.  Shame really as a bit of the runs would really assist my weight loss.

Don't ask why I feel like this, and I know I have only recently (prematurely) declared myself to be a changed and happy person.  In reality emotions aren't that simple and these manic mood shifts are something I have endured for the greater part of my adult life.   Sometimes I despise the fact that I never know from one day to the next how I will feel, but I am also aware that having such a broad emotional spectrum can be a blessing.  Mediocrity is supremely less appealing.

Sorry to any of you who may feel I am taking our relationship to a far more intimate and perhaps uncomfortable stage here.  I know generally people don't like to discuss mental health issues, which apparently, according to my pocket-sized Doctor Ghosh, is what I have - "Aay tink purrrhaps you have a mintaal heealth problerm Misses Forrrd".  My goodness what a surprise.   It's amazing how many people do have said issues.  Unlike physical illnesses though there is still a certain element of shame attached and talking about it is just not the done thing;  but a bit like vaginal itching and think of England sex, we've all had it so let's not pretend otherwise.   Oh my gosh I just used the 'V' word.....that really is taking it to the next level.

Along that vein has anyone been to see the Vagina Monologues???  VERY rude but rather hilarious and extremely intelligent and insightful.  I thoroughly recommend it providing you are not remotely virtuous and can handle a candid reflection on the baser qualities of mankind.  I must admit that I was fairly shocked at its openness...or rather the fact that it is so public about it.  Personally it would have been easier to watch alone; as it was I took a friend for her birthday and it felt a bit like watching a screen 'love' scene with your parents, and by love scene I mean porn.  It's a shame that all true reflections of life carry a certain element of distasteful content, but I'm positive for most of us that's the reality.  If my life were turned in to a film it would certainly shock and perhaps even rate beyond BBC broadcasting classification standard.  I have a few nasty looking skeletons in the closet - a veritable graveyard infact.

Not so shocking though as the case of the 'Devil Boys' from up North somewhere.  Just been browsing through the Daily Mail headlines and I must say it makes for incredibly chilling, and sad, reading.  One person commented "I think their identities should be made public because eventually some unsuspecting girl may marry one of them and she deserves to know what she is getting".  Whether or not I agree on the identity issue I am at present unsure (I am still waiting for that Do's and Don'ts book remember) but what did occur to me is the futility of the statement.  Do any of us really know the person we are marrying?  Blimey I'd be surprised if we even know ourselves.  Without the power of telepathy I don't see how its possible to truly know anyone.  There is so much more to a person than what they choose to let other people see, it's just not feasible, nomatter how deep you dig.

Although there is one way we can KNOW each other and that's in the Bible sense (any heathens  - look it up).  Which brings me nicely around to another rant that I need to make.  I feel I have come to know my husband so well this last ten days, I know him inside and out, I know him practically every day, I know him in all manner of configurations, so when, please tell me, will he feel I know him sufficiently well to stop knowing him and just get on with that wonderful thing called sleep?? 

I'll let you know about that.


  1. Sarah (previously known as first anonymous poster.... must be getting braver!!)25 January 2010 at 09:48

    Sorry to hear you have been feeling melancholy of late.... I think we all have down days (on whatever level), but not everyone is brave enough to admit it and certainly alot of people are very good at putting on a brave, oscar winning type face and show for those around us!!! (me included!)

    As for the KNOWING your husband problem.. don't think they will ever have been KNOWN enough, not if yours is anything like mine!!!! In my way of thinking, last night I felt he got a weeks worth of KNOWING.... but he will not think the same!! (sorry for TMI!!)
    Was speaking to a friend the other day, she told me about her neighbour (she is about our age with 2 little girls) whose boyfriend just comes for visits at the weekend!!! Sounds like a great arrangement to me!!!!! ;)
    Hope you have a better day today. xx

  2. No need to let anyone know - I can tell you the answer, it's 'never'

    Have been sitting here reading the blog from the beginning as I had no access to it whilst I was away. It is sooooooooooooo funny in parts and had me laughing.

    I didn't realise that you had a talent for writing. It could be the answer to all your financial difficulties - go to print - you could be the next Sue Townsend. 'The Diaries of Adriene Vole' Episode One 'The Jogging Years'

    Keep going .................. you are a star !!!

    Love you

    Mum xxxx
