Thursday 14 January 2010

Love Bites and Meatballs.

Exercise wise today I am doing mighty well.

Went for a little jog around and did a spot of cross training, so all good stuff. The scales haven't shifted in a few days however....let's hope it's because of all that muscle I am building. Something tells me though that the M&M's and chocolate ice cream may be the real culprits. My problem is that there are very few vices in life which are (a) affordable (b) moral and (c) legal. Eating is pretty much it... a virtual-binge experience could well be the solution, any of you techies out there think you could manage that?

On the subject of eating I have today prepared a new bespoke pasta dish which shall be known as "Philly, Chili, Meatballs". They say that necessity is the mother of invention and this is never more so than when cooking with the wrong ingredients. A bit like can't cook, won't cook or whatever that programme was, I just threw together a group of stuff which looked like it might taste okay, and hey presto it was fantabulous. My question to you is, what do you think was in it?? Answers on a postcard please. I'm thinking it shall now be a staple part of the Ford menu for the foreseeable future.

Which brings me nicely on to the overriding topic of the day....the future of the Ford Family, established 1995 (as it says on our plaque). Chris and I last night entered in to negotiations to salvage our relationship......have you ever tried these talks? If anything can incite multiple personality disorder it's relationship discussions. One minute I was completely holding it together and managing to discuss our future in an adult and rational way, the next a weeping blubbering mess contemplating evil schemes on how to make him suffer for the rest of his life for leaving me. (I know, I know, it's not flattering but it's true....occasionally I am a super bitch). The thing is that it's easy to think you want to be rid of someone (which we have both thought about each other) but when it really comes down to it, it's an unbelievably difficult decision to make. Fifteen years is a long time to spend with one person, building a life together, growing 200% (no, I'm not referring to my personal expansion in size; I mean going from a couple to a family of 6). And if I am truly honest I am not prepared to walk away from that. Thankfully after our talks, nor is he.

So what have we decided? Well I have asked him to try harder, to shout less, to respect me more, to appreciate what I do, to cease criticism, to be more motivated and to understand that just because I am having a bad day and being a bit mardy it doesn't actually mean that I hate him, oh and to stop referring to me as "the dragon".

What does he want in return? Just sex every day. That's it. Which really does sum up the difference between men and women.

Watch this space.

On the subject of love bites (to which my title refers) the crisis talks did not evolve in to a night of hedonistic passion. Rather today my beloved Violet has turned on me...sinking her teeth in to my neck. Fortunately for her I had already made the meatballs......otherwise rabbit may well have been the dish of the day.

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