Saturday 16 January 2010

My request to you.

Yes I am a very early bird today but just wanted to share with you what I consider to be an absolutely amazing achievement......

4 MILE JOG  - in the bag.

It would be extremely remiss of me at this juncture to fail to credit the major source of my wonderful sister, who is the eternal driving force in all things energetic.  I am going to try to do the same route again next week without as many walk breaks.  Although in my defense I would guess that of the 4 miles today at least 3 were actually jogging, so all in all a great start to the morning.

As for my request to you.  I know lots of you are looking (note the newly added clockcounter feature.  This measures how many hits the site is getting so unless my mum is sitting there click click clicking in order to make me feel good I am guessing there are quite a few of you).  Trouble is I'm starting to feel like this is all a bit one talking, you listening and no feedback. 

Would love to have some comments......not compliments, just something to let me know that you're there!

For now though, I have so say that this Blog thing is turning out to be hugeley cathartic and I love it.  As I love you all too, my wonderful friends and family x x x


  1. This is how you do it people. Just click on comments then a little screen pops up for you to write in.

  2. Well done you........almost makes me feel like running myself......if only i could be bothered to get off the sofa into the bitter cold.............noooooooooo

  3. I am very proud of my ultra motivated wife, I've not seen her work out like this since the last affair.

    I also commend my dear wife for the extremely valiant training effort, especially as her knee cartilidge must be screaming for mercy.
