Thursday 7 January 2010

In the beginning....

Today is my first day, not of my new regime, but of the decision to document my 'journey' - or at least the journey I am hoping to take. Could fizzle out in to a very quick trip or evolve in to some kind of epic transatlantic venture (metaphorically speaking that is), depends really.

Things have not been going too well. My mum suggested I write, my dad's partner suggested the same thing, then my sister, then my friends, then...well you get the drift. Today another friend told me to keep a diary and so I decided upon this.... the 2010 version..... a BLOG....

Must admit I am a little bit embarrassed.....wondering if anyone really wants to listen to my waffling and wondering if it isn't ever so slightly self indulgent (although great for anyone with voyeuristic tendencies). Well we all have to have some vent, some how.

For those of you who may view it I shall try to entertain, but it's more for my benefit than yours so forgive me if I wallow sometimes in my own musings. (I'm assuming anyone is even reading this..... could infact be an online case of billy-no-mates). Whichever it is, I don't care. I just hope this will, you, someone.

So officially it's a run down on my endeavour to shift a bit of surplus baggage; both real life lard and the not so dissolvable emotional excess. Following three years of abusing my body with masses of diet coke, chocolate, red bull, pot noodles and slimfast shakes thrown in for good measure, I am finally at a point where I feel I am motivated enough to deal with it. Each week I intend to report on my weight loss and fitness distance goals (this Saturday is supposed to be a three mile jog which is a bit of a laugh but I'll try) so that you can see how I am doing and chastise me when I fall. And I really do mean that.... fear is a great motivator!

For now though I shall end with telling you that since 20th Dec I have managed to shift 8lbs of which I am immensely proud. Not so proud of what the scales actually read however as it's just shocking that a woman of my midget status should have reached such (double) figures. So there I have said it now and lain myself bare and at your mercy!! Will tell you as the scales go down and the fitness improves, and if I am only ever talking to myself well I can't really think of a better person to communicate with!


  1. Well done Bambi! I shall be joining you...AND I should start up my blog again. It's a very therapeutic exercise :D Keep going!

  2. love your blog, hope all goes well, i'm on a similar endevor but not bothering to blog it.
