Sunday 31 January 2010

Becoming Margaret Thatcher

Don't reel back in horror, I don't want to look or act like her but I have decided that I need to follow her minimalist approach to sleep.  Apparently the old axe only used to have four hours a night (you may say it showed) and I think I am going to have to join her gang on that one, along with the likes of Florence Nightingale and Napoleon so not exactly in bad company. 

Have been looking through my diary for the forthcoming weeks and am feeling the panic set in.  I am what you might call ever so slightly over-committed.  Working full time at the University, part-time for someone else, studying,  trying to train for the race, acknowledging the existence of my children and completing this blog all seems a bit much from where I am sitting.  Today at Church I got asked to teach an additional lesson next week and almost fell over in despair. Of course I said yes as that's what we Christian Folk do....act all nice and willing, then complain in private but how I shall fit it in is an issue.  So the Thatcher school of non-sleep is a good place to start.  Of course I will manage to get it all done....but the quality may suffer.

Anyhow am on a tight deadline tonight so this is just a tiddly note.  My legs are absolutely killing today after yesterday's session.  They say that each step you take when jogging sends a force equivalent to four times your body weight through your knee joints......thats almost 48 stones of impact.  When you look at it that way it's amazing I have any knees left.

Speak tomorrow x x x

1 comment:

  1. write a list and plan, plan and plan again!
    Tick your list off and you can do it.

    I love your blog, Love Lj
