Friday 8 January 2010

It works.

Day two of the blog and I am pleased to report that knowing there could be a million cyberfans willing my backside off the sofa and on to something more active has actually worked. Even if it is only in my imagination. I did check my email this morning and found a couple of you are following.....I am flattered and will try not to disappoint.

On the subject of email. This morning I also received, as usual, offers of free penis enlargement and, on a separate email, a solution for erectile dysfunction....both addressed to Martin I hasten to add. I have no idea who Martin is but strongly suspect he is a highly unfortunate fellow if his asset is both small and out of order. And so my many problems fade in comparison.

So it's absolutely freezing outside and only a complete idiot would venture beyond the front door unnecessarily, or so I told myself, which is why I went for a safer option...using the cross trainer. I am pleased to report that despite the sub zero temperatures within my house I managed to break a slight sweat, although that could have been more to do with contemplating the prospect of a 3 mile jog tomorrow. According to the monitor I burned precisely 225 calories which I'm sure must equate to a flake or something.....proving my theory that Mr Cadbury was in fact Satan himself. How can something which takes 3.2 second to eat take 45 minutes to burn off??? Pure evil.

And having dropped that bomb shell I'm going to finish with a wonderful quote from Maisey. "I Love your boobs mum.....................they match". Well there's a relief.

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