Tuesday 12 January 2010

What a difference a day makes....

"24 little hours, what a difference a day makes"....Okay so I won't go on. But truly, a few hours pass and I am a completely different woman. Well perhaps not completely, I mean my thighs still rub, but on the inside I am like TOTALLY changed. Some would say this could be a personality disorder, I prefer to think of myself as hormonally challenged.

It's true though, or at least I hope I am not alone on this one, that we females are a little bit prone to ups and downs. One day I feel like "Belle" and the world is full of possibilities, the next I'm more Medusa than human. Chris likes to refer to women as "psycho" - he is forever saying "oh yeah, she's a psycho - you can see it in her eyes".... a comment he has made about most females we know, suggesting that it isn't infact 'psycho' atall....it's just normal womankind. Of course every now and again you meet a girl who is more Stepford than the rest of us; personally I think these are the ones you really need to worry about. Still waters run deep and all that.

Yesterday was actually a pretty miserable day. I think I may be about to become involuntarily single (sorry mum to break it to you like this) and I wasn't handling it well atall. If not handling it well is kicking down doors that is. But today I am far more philosophical. C'est la Vie and all that. Whoever thought of Marriage, in my opinion, clearly didn't do his research. And please, if you are reading this don't start getting all soppy on me and ringing....this is my vent area remember. I have to be able to be honest but that doesn't mean I want to talk about it. Not privately anyway.

On a positive note, all that kicking was very aerobic and thus yesterday's exercise quota was satisfied.

Today was a walk up the Wrekin...hence the stylish pics. Having gotten up and down safely we arrived back at the car only to discover that my 'companion' had somehow dropped her mobile phone whilst walking. Faced with the choice of collapsing in a heap, screaming and having a toddler style tantrum, or being totally supportive and offering to accompany her back up I obviously chose the latter option - after all the lazy insensitive side of myself is saved specifically for my husband.....(oh I wonder if that's why he wants to leave?) and we started to venture back up. I must tell you that at this point the proverbial air was blue with the cursings eminating from said companion's mouth....she would prefer to remain anonymous at this point (see photos).

Part way back we passed an older gentleman whom I in my wisdom figured we should interrogate to see if he had found said phone.

"Have you found a mobile phone?"

"No. What's the number?"

"What the hell has that got to do with finding my blinking phone"....I wanted to say. How could having the number possibly help? Unless of course he was offering to call it, but as he didn't have a phone that clearly wasn't his motive. I can only assume we looked so 'hot' he desired our number for romantic purposes....I say "our" like we are one person. Fact is she may have looked hot/sexy. I just looked hot/about to have a Cardiac Arrest. Perhaps it was a test....did we know the number?, were we really the owners of the mystery phone??? We'll never know.

So we continued. Then it came to me. I would call the phone (with mine obviously) so that we could detect it more easily. Imagine my surprise when it rang then "HALLO?". Thank heavens for kind old chaps who pick up phones on the Wrekin, thus sparing my poor legs from doing a re-run....when I told this story later to my phsyio's receptionist she said "it just proves that there are some decent people in the world". Yes that's right. There are people who risk their lives for others, donate organs to complete strangers, defend helpless mugging victims anad die doing so, but let us not forget those noble souls who retrieve mobile phones on snow capped mountains, for they are the true heroes amongst us.

Reminds me of the time Chris was in hospital (first day). I went in to the boys school and spoke to the receptionist explaining what had happened and that the prognosis was that he would probably die, to which she replied "Don't worry Mrs Ford, Doctors can be wrong....it happens all the time on Casualty".

Heaven help us all.

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