Tuesday 1 June 2010

Seriously though...

After writing my last blog I felt strongly that I am becoming a would-be-philosophying bore and that it really needs to end.  I am certain that you don't tune in to my writings to seek further wisdom and enlightenment but rather some mild entertainment and therefore I am going to make a concerted effort to deliver.

I would just like to mention however that although I may seem like a self obsessed manic depressive who consistantly complains about what I do not have, this really is not the case.  I am simply giving voice to the cognitive dissonance which seems to have permanent lodgings within my brain.   I also believe that my feelings of continual self doubt and questioning are probably shared by the majority of human kind and therefore I need to give myself a break.  I am merely seeking positive affirmation that there is a point to me being here....... affirmation which is, not surprisingly, difficult to find considering I am amongst a population of 6 billion or so people.  It's fairly hard to feel special when in reality were you to drop off the planet then relatively speaking no-one would notice.  And this my friends is what  is wrong with the world.  There are too many of us.   And I have just added to the problem by making four more. 


So Euan has officially hit the onset of man-hood.  And what brings me to this conclusion??..... well aside from a new found inability to put his dirty clothes in the wash,  the absence of several thousand previously present brain cells and the fact his hands seem to be continually scratching at something down in his trousers, I have now discovered he is the proud owner of a very light splattering of underarm hair.  I can't tell you how old and decrepid this makes me feel.  And I also can't tell you how dead I am if he ever learns that I have made a public declaration of his pubescent state.  Euan is already paranoid because he feels I take each and every possible opportunity to humiliate him.  Sadly I must confess this is true, but in my defence it is a force beyond my own control which drives me to do it.  Just as when in a silent library I get the urge to shout something completely obscene (apparently this is perfectly normal), whenever I am with Euan and in company I feel an overwhelming desire to tease him.  I can only compare this to the urge all men seem to feel to scream at the television during a football match when clearly no-one (except perhaps the neighbours) is listening.

Anyhow I figure it is all downhill from herein.  Farewell sweet Euan, hello nasty smelly beast.

What is also going downhill rapidly is my diet.  Over the past three weeks I have lost twelve pounds....unfortunately it is the same three pounds, four times over.   It's just up and down continually, a bit like my moods (perhaps there's a connection?) and I would love to say a bit like my feet pounding the pavement during my mega runs but that would be a big fat lie.  I have done nothing energetic for so long it's ridiculous, which is making me highly unpopular with my husband to say the least.

Still, I have a huge whopping excuse for my sheer idleness, which is that my exams are less than two weeks away and I am desperately trying to revise.  Why else do you think I am on here writing my blog?  and shopping, and watching films, and generally doing everything possible to avoid actually doing any study.....everything that is apart from calorie burning activities.

Although I am doing a 10k this Saturday night.....not a jog though, this time just a jolly midnight stroll.  Thought it sounded good when I registered but now it's so close all I can think about is my bed and how I won't be in it.  Walking six miles at midnight is rightfully only an activity for the young and love struck, or the drunk.

Only one real choice then. 

1 comment:

  1. Displacement activities are the norm for anyone who really SHOULD be revising. I used to buy a selection of sweets, 3 separate 4oz bags usually, some fizzy drinks, crisps and maybe chocolate raisins too. I would then arrange them in easy-to-reach piles around me on my bed, revision notes and relevent books also to hand. Next step would be to eat my way through all of them whilst "warming-up " by reading a trashy magazine. I would then go to sleep. Managed to always produce good results so something must have worked although I have NO idea WHAT !
    Do try not to tease Euan, teasing is a form of bullying and not a good trait. Teens can be hyper-sensitive and take it to heart even when not showing they have.
