Sunday 23 May 2010

Life of Riley

How the other half live. 

Several weeks ago a friend approached me and asked if I would help with a works do he was organising.   I just had to decorate the "pre-dinner" room along a Holywood Stars theme then serve champagne and canapes to the guests.  Aside from getting paid my remuneration was an invite to the entire evenings events - and all I can say is wow. 

Champagne filled limousines, beautiful stately home, professional photographer (hence the pictures) and delicious food.  All really rather wonderful and I'm guessing not even a smidgeon in comparison to the really top notch events attended by celebrity and the likes, but to my little mind and in my little world it was a massive treat! 

I came away feeling a sense of focus and direction......having spoken to each of the Directors (and not so subtly suggesting that were they to have a vacancy appear any time soon then I was the girl for them) I realised that there are plenty of mediocre people earning top salaries and that with a spot of hard work, common sense and determination I can do it too.  I've just got to get my foot in the door.  Or maybe I should get my chest in first as that seemed to do the trick on Fri night!!

What is it with men and boobs?  Flash a spot of cleavage and you can practically name your request.  I just don't understand what the major pull is, unless it's the result of  weaning too early?  Got me to thinking once again about the vast differences between women and men.  And not just in the chest area.

Men are so incredibly visual.  Women I feel are far more auditory.  Flash me a six pack and it won't do a great deal but sit me down in front of a crackling open fire and play sweet guitar and I'd swoon like a little girl....unless it was a day like this where it's already 30 degrees outside  in which case sitting me in front of a fire would make me pass out without the need for guitar.

On the subject of heat  - the only down side to Friday's event was the fact I spent the entire day in an office the temperature of the Sahara and sweated like a pig.  Getting ready there I went back about thirty years to the days of strip washes.  Stood in my underwear in the ladies loo giving myself a good scrub with a tea towel I'd pilfered from the kitchen felt ridiculous but not as ridiculous as when a complete stranger walked in to witness the event.  She looked more horrified than I however. 

Anyway it's red hot outside and we off to my brother's 30th birthday BBQ.  Which is just perfect as meat is one of the few things I am allowed to eat.  And incidentally weight down now to 16 lbs lost.  Got rid of the few I regained and have shed a couple more.

What a beautiful life. x


  1. Well done on the weight loss ! And yes, you WILL go far. I feel we are often conned into thinking there are some kind of "special" people who are "up there " somewhere.....the bankers are a good example of folk who blow their own trumpets and try to kid us how invaluable they are...they're NOT. The NHS is FULL to brimming with plonkers who have licked and nodded their way up. ( Beware the saying" the scum always rises to the top" ! ) Integrity will show in the places where it is valued. Maintain that and you will rise in the right places. To thine own self etc ! xxx

  2. Hi Bambi,

    Just wanted to say that you look stunning!
    Beautiful photograph, you look smashing.
    Who needs 70 grand to achieve the body perfect when you look like this.


  3. Hi Bambi,

    Beautiful photographs, you look stunning.
    Who needs 70 grand for a makeover if you look like this?


  4. So true Suzanne said it TWICE ! I agree entirely. You worry FAR too much !
