Monday 10 May 2010

Words of Wisdom.

This morning I am back at Kaplan, only invigilating this time, which means I have three hours to kill.  Thankfully there is a computer in the room and I am therefore able to blog/facebook away to my hearts content.  It's not often I get to have guilt-free internet home there is always something else more constructive I could be doing, so this is just great.

In addition, the heating problems with the examination room have now been corrected making it a most pleasant enironment.  I was beginning to feel mortified each time I arrived only to be greeted by the searing heat, knowing that I was minutes away from having a room full of disgruntled examinees, and deservedly so.  And as I've said before, Chartered Accountants are generally devoid of a sense of humour, making my bikini strip tease jokes go down like a lead balloon.  Although maybe the image of me in a bikini is not so funny as terrifying and not likely to generate much laughter.

So in reference to the title, I received a very poignant comment from my 'anonymous' mum, after yesterday's blog entry, which really did make me stop and think that YES something does have to change.  Wasting my entire life on the same old subjects (weight loss, marital dissatisfaction etc) is fairly futile and I am certain that, should I be priviledged to live to the ripe old age of 61, I do not want to think I spent the last 30 years of it whining on and on about issues I had the power to resolve.  And that's pretty much all I am going to say apart from if all else fails and I can't get past these stumbling blocks in my life, there's always the option of a lobotomy. 

I failed to mention yesterday that Euan has been in further trouble at fact did I ever even say that he was in any trouble before??  Thinking back I can recall being too ashamed to write about it the last time.  To cut a long and very involved story short Euan's school is ultra strict, which is a good thing, and so come down like a tonne of bricks on any student caught breaking the rules.  Two weeks ago he had his phone switched on during a lesson  and got caught, so had it confiscated.  This led to his temporary removal from school and me having to attend a somewhat humilating meeting with his Head of Year.  One of those meetings where you realise your child is no longer the child you think they are and rather has evolved in to an obnoxious little runt.  Quite frankly it made me want to knock Euan's head off.  Following that incident I put him on strict instructions that he turn his phone off immedaitely when entering the school gates, and switch it back on when leaving of an evening.  Not even two weeks later I get a call from his Head of Year saying that he has been caught with it on again.  But the cherry was rather than accepting his punishment as a fair cop, he decided to spout off in the changing rooms about the injustice of it all and the inadequacy of his teacher.  Brilliant, especially considering his teacher was stood listening at the time, unbeknown to Euan of course.

I can't tell you how frustrated I am with him.  I appreciate it isn't the worst crime, but the rules are there for a reason and he doesn't seem to be able to keep them - he's a born anarchist.  I suggested that if he persists in this vein he may aswell move to our local Comprehensive where, providing he can stay clear of murder or arson, I doubt he'll get in to much trouble atall.   But the opportnities will be drastically reduced and his football career will be over.  No more County Cup glory for him.  The trouble is he is hitting puberty with alarming speed and I just don't know whether he has the control necessary to keep his big fat mouth shut.  And who am I to judge when I couldn't either at the same age, and still can't.

For now though I am working at punishing him severly enough to ensure it is branded on to his brain as a reminder to change.  No mobile, no ipod, no PS3, no television, no football, no friends over, no going out (unless it's with me)......we're only on to day three so far and already he said he feels abused.  Yeah right.  Unfortunately tonight though he has a reprieve as it's his first trial at Wolves.  We have decided that he will attend these and try to negotiate a deal which doesn't include Sundays.  If they want him enough they will go with it, and if they don't then we've not lost anything.  In the meantime they provide free soup and rolls to players and their families during the sessions, so its a way of feeding us all for free. 

Desperate I know, but we're in a recession remember (at least I think we are, although they did say we weren't but then we were again apparently....just like I think maybe David Cameron is the new Prime Minister but you never can be sure). 

Really hope it's not tomato.

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