Thursday 6 May 2010

With bated breath (Mark II) ....

Oooh the anticipation of tonight's outcome is killing me.  Not that I have suddenly gained an avid interest in, the fact is I am simply intrigued to know how well my little mini polls gauge the opinions of the national population.   Can thirteen people truly reflect the general consensus?  And if so, then I guess I shall have to accept the accuracy of my previous polls and therefore that most couples have sex a lot more frequently than I.

Additionally I am excited because apparently, according to my Visiting Teachers (aka angels of death) once the election is out of the way, Britain is going to promptly self destruct and we'll all be living in a state of anarchy.  In which case what's not to get excited about?.  I quite fancy myself as a DIY vigilante and this could be my big opportunity.  So only a few more hours left to go and we will all be put out of our misery....or in it depending on which way you hoped it would swing.

Have you noticed incidentally that I have been desperately avoiding the issue of weight and exercise?  I would love to tell you it's all because of my new found contentment with self, coupled with the realisation that weight and looks are merely superficial aspects of humanity and not to be indulged.  Nothing so grand.  Instead it's more that I have put a couple of pounds back on and was too ashamed to admit it.  But I have said it now.  Don't fear though, it's nothing that a few dulco-lax can't fix.

I am of course joking in that respect.  There is no way I am about to make myself ill just to lose weight.  Not because I am a sensible, well-balanced creature who frowns upon such activity....simply that I tried it aleady when I was very young and it really was revolting.  Successful but revolting and not a place I wish to revisit in a hurry.  There are some things more important than looks, and crapping yourself in Tesco's is one of them.

I have however set myself a new goal (thanks to Suzanne) which is to take part in a half marathon in October.  I have worked out the time scales and I have precisely 23 weeks and 2 days to ditch the weight and up the fitness.  Sounds like ages but when you consider I have been writing this blog for almost as long, and achieved minimal success, you can see that this is no mean feat.  I'm thinking this calls for Commando Corrinth. 

Meanwhile I have just four weeks now until my final the results back from the billion word project I submitted, this morning infact, and the tutor said quote "it was a joy to read".......that either means I am tres super cool or that she has realised my brother in law is her Manager and is therefore metaphorically kissing my ass.  
Anyway I had better be off as it's the little ones'  bedtime - a time for mothers to read to their children, tuck them in to bed and kiss them a sweet good night.  Right now all I  can hear is Chris shouting, Charlotte crying and Maisey waking back up. 

Enid Blyton this is not.


  1. Woops....BATED breath....but then Baited may be more suited in view of the topic....have voters taken the bait ?
    Very well done on assignment results !! You are a blooming marvel ! doey da dooh-dah maker ! It wrecks your sphincter ! Long term damage results and all choice with regard to when and where to dump is...yes...DUMPED.
    I saw an article about ankle weights, worn regularly ( around the house /under loose trousers)they help to exercise leg muscles, use up calories and refine definition. Sounds like a neat idea.
    Keep up the good work ! xxx

  2. Are you sure you are being visited by 'our' Visiting Teachers and not J.W's? All the Jahovahs Witnesses I have encountered are all doom and gloom, there is no point etc, etc.

    And Enid Blyton was a terrible mum/person!
