Tuesday 6 April 2010

Generally speaking....

How could I let today pass without making some comment on the impending Election which has now been announced.  One month today in fact.  It's amazing what controversy this is already generating....check out facebook and the amount of status updates involving the topic.  A friend of mine commented on it and has received in excess of 50 comments within just a few hours.  Started off reasonably pleasant but by the end it has been reduced to insult hurling and put downs.   What is is about Politics that get's everyone so animated? 

Personally I believe two things.

Firstly that no party will ever satisfy us fully because there are too many of us to please.  Charlotte's 6th Birthday Party is a clear illustration of the fact.  A room full of little girls with an abundance of food, dressup, party games and dancing yet still there were complaints.  The food wasn't what one or two liked, someone else was wearing the dress they wanted, they didn't win the prize for best dancing and so on.  I know I am simplifying somewhat but in truth we never change from being those disatisfied 6 year olds.  What pleases one will not please another and so the Government is fighting a losing battle from the start. 

Secondly there is too much corruption and seeking for personal gain within ALL of the parties.  It would be naive to suggest that it exists in one party only.  Each will be similarly made up.....there will be the genuine want to make the world a better place members, the unwittingly think they are there for the good of others but secretly enjoying the prestige types, the couldn't care a less about principles just want to earn loadsamoney candidates, and the downright dishonest and evil ones.   And so in the end does it even matter who is in power?

Following on from the poll we did about problems we wish we could be rid of....most of you selected Crime.  Therefore it strikes me that the main thing we need from a party is common sense when it comes to dealing with criminals.  Harsher punishments, more severe conditions within the prisons, sensible sentencing and death to the real hard core nutters.

There is an element to Politics which seems to be overlooked continually.....and that is the accountability of self.  Folks blame Government for each and every problem, and I'm not saying they are entirely wrong, but how many times do we look to our own lives and consider whether we are contributing to the issue?.   And naturally, I include myself very much in this.

We have an overstretched, under-resourced NHS apparently.    Do you smoke?  Do you drink heavily?  Do you look after your body?   Do you exercise?  Do you overeat?  Do you always wear a seatbelt in the car?  Do you drive carefully?  Do you observe the speed limit ALWAYS?  If everyone were doing their part and taking ownership just in these areas how much less of a drain we would be.

How many of you know people who have defrauded the benefits system?  Claimed for things they are unentitled to, pretended to be single when actually not or failed to declare an income of some sort?  I'm not suggesting everyone does it but apparently the fraudulaent benefits claims in Britain cost the Government in excess of 12 million.  Not a figure to be scoffed at.

I could go on.  But I don't want you to think I am on my high horse suddenly deciding to preach to all and sundry.  That's not the case.  I do not have the answers but I just wonder sometimes whether we are not too keen to blame the powers that be without really understanding the issues they face.  I know I could not run the country or make the decisions they make.

And so I don't rightly care who gets in to power next.  There is no free ride and what they give with one hand they must take with another.....that's just simple mathematics.  And everything has its price.

The price for eating lots of chocolate over the weekend is a big fat weight gain of two pounds and a very miserable Bambi!!  Never fear though, I am about to go walk it all off up the Wrekin and hopefully get right back on track.

Meanwhile do let me know your thoughts on the Election......I really do not know who to vote for and would very much appreciate some input x x x


  1. Well carrying on from you 'Tougher punishments' thread. I was driving past a billboard the other day. You may have seen it too.
    It had a huge picture of a grinning Gordon Brown, with the slogan, 'I let 80,000 criminals out early. Vote for me!' Then in smaller writing at the bottom 'Time to vote Conservative'. Got me thinking.

  2. Hey yeah, it's all so confusing nowadays - Labour no longer have a socialist agenda and the Conservatives are pandering to peasants... It's all gone nuts! I would like to see an end to party politics myself, where you vote for the person who you think will best represent your constiuency in parliament, rather than voting for someone who simply has to tow the party line regardless of it's effects on the people they are representing.

  3. Being a committed Socialist ( and one time card carrying member of the Labour Party, until I got a fix on slithery Blair and sent the bits back ) I feel disenfranchised. New Labour may be some things, but Socialist it is NOT. So I have no-one to vote for, at least not in my area. I believe everyone SHOULD vote, in honour of all those who struggled and fought to gain the vote for all, especially for women. So I ALWAYS go to vote. But I deliberately spoil my ballot slip to register my lack of confidence in ANY of them. Considering what a low turn-out there is at elections plus the poor system of representation, we are governed by parties, at any time, who have around 23% of the votes polled ! Hardly a majority. Politicians of the blue variety are generally the type who consider themselves the natural rulers over the Hoi Poloi. Politicians of the Red variety USED to be working class heroes, on the side of justice and fairness and intent on creating a better world. Nowadays we have career politicians, bent on self-aggrandisement, power and prestige. A bit like career nurses, career teachers, career policemen and social workers. In short....we have all been shafted. Me ?.... I'm voting for Mickey, our 3-legged cat. Bit wobbly, but at least he doesn't lie, cheat or steal. Roll on the Revolution !
