Monday 19 April 2010

The toughest job in the world.

Parenthood.  I know it's been said a zillion times before and sounds like a seemingly trite statement but it really is so true.  Or it feels that way.  In reality I'm sure that working in the Delhi Sewers, Chinese sweat shops or Thai sex industry is probably slightly more challenging but allow me to moan anyway.

Firstly the arguments. Charlotte feels that Danny hates her. Danny feels that Charlotte is a brat. Danny feels that Euan hates him. Euan feels that Danny is a space cadet. Charlotte screams in Danny's face. Danny threatens to throw her doll out of the window. Euan tells Danny he is gay. Danny calls Euan a spaz (a banned word in our house). Finally I scream in all their faces, threaten to throw each one of them out of the window, and so it continues for most of the weekend.

Yesterday evening I sat for three hours with various children completing pieces of homework.  Charlotte had an entire wildlife project to construct.  It cited specific requirements of research, introduction, sub-headings, paragraphs and use of diagrams with captions .....for a six year old!! is it just me or has homework ascended a few notches on the complexity ladder?   Euan had a children's book to write, then realised he had an activity at Church to attend so I ended up writing it for him.   "The hungry little chick-a-lick".....not at all plagiarised from a certain Eric Carle Story.   And finally Danny, for whom pulling his teeth out with plyers would have seemed a more preferable option.  The boy is so talented and bright yet cannot sit still and concentrate for five minutes unless it involves an Xbox.   

Today's drama is Euan "Ronaldinio" Ford and his would be football career.  Up until the age of ten Euan didn't actually play football for any team as most played on Sunday.  This was a real conflict of interest with our Church attendance.  We always felt strongly that it was right to observe the Sabbath, and Chris particularly felt that ball games were inappropriate.  (Funny how sex was always allowed though - nothing reverent about that).  Anyway Euan had offers of joining several clubs; Shrewsbury, Wolves, Stoke, but all of them he turned down due to the Sunday playing element.  Eventually though when Chris got ill and forgot his entire belief system Euan and I decided to monopolise upon the opportunity. I am joking of course, even I wouldn't be that twisted.   But I did allow Euan to make his own decision and he chose to play for a local team who offered to accommodate his beliefs by playing on Sunday afternoons, thus enabling him to attend his Church meetings.  One thing led to another and he got invited to play for Telford which was Saturdays, this then got him into Thomas Telford School and in to one of the bettert school football teams in the UK. 

Now however the Wolves are back at our door - literally, as the Academy scout has been calling the house again asking Euan to reconsider joining them.  On Friday when they called we were left under the impression that they had changed their main days of play to Saturday.  Having now spoken to the man in charge though it turns out that they train on Saturdays but the games are still Sundays. 

And so now what am I supposed to do? 

Apparently he is ultra talented and they desperately want him, but to allow him to play each week will mean our family are unable to be together and often whoever is with Euan will miss Church also.   No doubt all firm believers will consider this a trial of faith.  If I was really committed I would simply say no.  But firstly I am not completely committed and secondly it's not just my life.  Euan is a person in his own right and I do not want my opinions to be the thing which prevent him from following his own desires.   And then again isn't that my role in his life, to ensure he makes wise choices???  And then again how the heck can I help him to make sensible decisions when I can't even make them for myself. 

I wonder if I had realised how intense it can get whether I would still have wanted offspring.

Of course I would, but on the other hand, maybe the world ending isn't such a bad option after all.

I feel an ice cream coming on.


  1. Remember what the man said in the past ? Talent will out. Euan WILL do well, no matter if he plays at academy level now or not. The FOUNDATIONS are what matters. Foundations not only of his footballing career but of him as a man. Nothing will replace the experiences he will have as part of the cohesive group that IS our membership in Christ's own Church. NOTHING. He needs that firm foundation, that polishing, that good growth. Everything else will stem from that. He WILL reap the full rewards of maintaining his stand, his faith, his INTEGRITY. All will be well. Send the Wolves from the door !!!

  2. p s ....Would that be a Magnum by any chance ? I have been led to understand they contain only half a calorie per lolly. Enjoy ! I do !
