Saturday 10 April 2010

Public Enemies..

This time I am not referring to Politicians or indeed anything to do with parliament....I am bored of that already. 

No, this is far worse and something which I feel completely embodies the problems facing the human race.  Once again it's a feature of those dark and miserable places known as supermarkets, but this time I'm talking Self Service Checkouts.

My first concern is this...where have all the till girls gone????  It can never be a good thing when human beings are replaced by the lady from Tom Tom and a multitude of touch screens.  Kind of reminiscent of the Matrix.   Although I think there is probably a million or so years of evolution required for the technology to get  from "unexpected item in the baggage area" to world domination.  When they first appeared in the shops I must confess to being ever so slightly impressed, and when I say slightly I mean massively and overwhelmingly -  having finally glimpsed the reality of "Tomorrow's World".  So yes I will admit that I loved the concept.    A few months in to it and a million "assistance required" messages later and I am much less enamoured.  And, just as when a relationship turns sour we seek to highlight every weakness our ex-lover had, I feel I can finally see these machines for what they really are.  Job stealers.  We are being replaced by computers and deceived in to thinking they are for our benefit.  Supposedly they save time.....debatable, especially when anyone over sixty-five is trying to use one in front of you.  Technology + the elderly is not a pretty picture. 

Apart from the ethical dilemma they present, consideration should be given to the utter lack of humanity and concern for feelings.  Yesterday I visited Sainsburys in Chester, grabbing just a few items so decided to use an 'S.S.C'.  All went well until payment was required. My Tesco Mastercard has a facility on it where I am only allowed to make ten transactions in any one day before my card will be placed on hold.  And no ,before you go thinking how bad my shopaholicism must have gotten for them to resort to this, I must mention it is a standard feature.   Anyway I had been at Cheshire Oaks with the boys and spent numerous amounts in various places, all of which had been fine.  Sainsburys however must have been transaction number eleven.  So just after I had entered my pin the uncaring witch bellows out, for all and sundry to hear, that my card has been declined, and just to twist the knife in she repeats this message twice.  And therein lies the problem with machine over emotions, no tact and a complete inability to think independently.  Actually correction, therein lies the difference between machine and woman.  

Which brings me nicely on to the poll results.  I am with the majority of you on this that a touch of care is the best approach even if it may involve a tad of diplomatic dishonesty.  And perhaps this is why marriage is the challenge which it inevitably is, because men have yet to learn that women neither want or need a metaphoric mirror held constantly in front of their face.  We know what we are and just need to feel loved despite it!  Of course I don't throw all men in to this category of emotional incompetence....just most of you.

I mentioned earlier that yesterday I went shopping with the boys.  Firstly I took them to the cinema to see "Clash of the Titans" which was good although, in my humble opinion, not as good as the original.  Then we did three hours solid of hunting down school shoes, football boots, clothing, stationery etc.  The difference between those two boys and their approach was startling.  Euan; mellow, happy to wander, browse and gently pass the time.....Danny; hyper, anxious, stressing, whining and eventually informing me in a queue full of people that he thought he had a temperature, felt dizzy and was about to have a nervous breakdown because I had made him walk around shops for nine hours.  The upside being his melodramatic fuss provided both me and the rest of the queuing customers light entertainment and laughter, much to Danny's disgust of course. 

I am eternally grateful for their differences though.  Danny is such hilarous company, often unwitttingly, but nevertheless a bundle of fun.  And Euan is a rock.  And I love them both deeply.

There is lots more I could chat about but for now I have a project to complete and a million chores to get finished.  You'll have noticed of course that I have been making sporadic entries this week......with the children off school I am busier than ever and it really hasn't been possible to fit in blog time as well.   Thank you though for all the listening you do.  Can't believe we've nearly hit 3000 on the counter....and also can't tell you how good this has been for me, having you to chat with.

Until tomorrow then x


  1. I totally agree about those mechanical tills. I initially refused to use them on those exact grounds...they are job stealers. ONCE I was practically pushed into using one by an over-enthusiastic Tesco person and...whaddya know ?.... it made tons of cock-ups and I dumped the whole process, shopping included , and went to the Co-op. I shopped a couple of days ago in a Tesco Hypermarket ( they are called HYPER for a VERY GOOD reason ! )and was literally overwhelmed by the ridiculous range of every item and again left in disgust and went to the Co-op. Small, simple, wholesome. Apparently in the U.K. BILLIONS of pounds worth of food is WASTED each year . Too much choice, too much rubbish, too much...too much. We are guilty of gluttonous consumerism, it is frankly obscene. Time to change our ways methinks.

  2. I too have been done over by these evil robo checkouts - it made me pay twice for my darling's valentine present. Machines don't have emotion? Obviously it could tell that I was being a cheapskate!

    Seriously though - they do make a huge cost saving for the supermarket, which hopefully means cheaper groceries for all!
