Saturday 17 April 2010

Mrs Sheen.

I once had a colleague who kept this quote in his office "a tidy desk is a sign of a sick mind".  He himself was an utter slob who tried avidly to convince me that my obsessive need for stationery cleanliness was an indication of deep emotional issues.  I wonder what he would make of the fact I am practically ecstatic today all because of a newly scrubbed house and freshly mowed lawns.  It can't be healthy to feel this good about the smell of flash multipurpose I admit, but no doubt there are others out there who can relate to this pleasure.

This morning when I woke a tidal wave of to-do lists hit my mind before I even had chance to wipe away the sleep and last night's mascara.  I contemplated just laying there for the entire day, pretending to be sick thus avoiding the problem of where the hell to start.  I still have my five thousand word project to write, have a lesson to prepare for tomorrow, have a talk to prepare for Dan for tomorrow (both Church related), had a pig sty of a home, two baskets full of washing, an unmowed lawn and a serious lack of groceries.   None of them life threatening issues, just tedious mundane domestic tasks but which nonetheless demand addressing.

Thankfully I do have fantastic children who help me and together we set about getting the work done.  And apart from the fact that Danny got rather strimmer-happy killing several healthy plants in the process of edging the lawns, it wasn't half bad.  Still have my project to write and lesson to prepare but at ten thirty p.m. I feel enough is enough.

I realised today that it has now been five weeks since the 10k race and I have barely done any exercising at all.  No wonder I feel so rough and depressed.  I need those endorphins back.    And so tomorrow I am planning to plan, to reevaluate and come up with a schedule for the next couple of months and a new objective to help me reach my goal.   It's definitely true that without a clear destination and a specific route there is little chance of success and so I must turn my mind back to my desired outcome and figure out what steps need taking.

For now though I need to go rest my weary head and moisturise my cilit bang soaked hands.

Sweet dreams.


1 comment:

  1. Nowt sick about wanting some order in your life. Not mad about cleaning exactly but used to LOVE my line of Baby-Burco-boiled towelling nappies drying on the line and yes...they WERE whiter than my neighbours !!!! Its the feeling of having achieved something, having done it well. Applies in every area of life. If only keeping my soul clean was as easy !
