Friday 26 February 2010

My other love

You know sometimes when I write this blog it makes me feel a sense of guilt like I'm having an illicit relationship of some kind.  I know Chris disapproves of the fact I commit so much time to it  and refuse to let the night pass without writing (although it really is only about 30 minutes daily)......obviously there is something else he would rather I were doing and maybe it's simply that he wonders why I can't be as commited to that.

Yes I have to admit that my intention to "sex him" (as Euan once called it) on a daily basis has diminished somewhat in recent weeks.  It really is quite a burdensome task to perform on schedule like that.  Essentially this is the fundamental problem within marriage, I believe.  When you are 'courting' and can't have each other at will, it is practically your every waking thought, but once the hum drum routine and contentment of living together 24/7 kicks in, everything changes.  Am I alone in this?  Please tell me you aren't all raging sex machines procreating hourly.  I wouldn't believe you anyway. I watched a programme once in which the subject of marital sex, and more significantly the frequency of it, was examined.  Turns out 40% of the married population in Britain are supposedly CELEBATE.  Yes that's right, not doing it at all (or at least not with each other), and on average couples who are doing it twice weekly are pretty darn lucky.  So taking that all in to account I don't feel Chris has has such a raw deal over the years.  

And just in case you're wondering why Euan has a phrase for our sexual habits.......that came about when I was going in to hospital to have Maisey (by c-section) and told him I would be getting sterilised at the same time.  I explained what the process involved and why I needed to do it - to ensure we didn't have any unexpected arrivals etc etc.  His response was "I don't get it.....if you don't want any more children why don't you just stop sexing Dad?".    Great idea son, why didn't I think of that myself?  I shall remember to pass that pearl of wisdom on to his own wife in about twenty years time.

So how is the diet and fitness regime going?  Well quite frankly it's not.  Chris has been online today looking for a nutritionist for me, thinking that perhaps I need a more personalised approach.  I am loath to spend money paying someone to tell me what I think I already know however.  Perhaps she may have some miraculous body specific plan that would enable me to shed the pounds quicker than ever before, but the cynic in me feels it would just be pounds of the round golden type that I'll be losing and nothing else.  No, I think I shall save my pennies for the forehead fillers.  I also haven't done any exercise today, mainly because I have been dashing around like the proverbial blue bottomed insect and haven't had a moment to pee let alone run.    I did however buy a new set of scales this afternoon.   I am hoping that these ones may make me lighter.

I have very high hopes for tomorrow you'll be pleased to hear.  Five miles of hard core waddling on the agenda.  Meanwhile keep reading friends, and keep commenting.  Your witty remarks are what I live for.

x x


  1. Don't you just LOVE kids ! Simple answers are usually the best. Psychologists have a lot to say re *** drive, often a way of sublimating a deeper need/ distress. Some turn to drink, some to drugs, some to ***. Balance askew. Just listened to what could be the ULTIMATE dietary advice on Radio 4 Womans hour, sounds like G.I. is the one that floats the boat. Forego the expensive nutritionist....their money is made by FAILURE of advice. Get off the merry-go-round !xxx

  2. Seems there is a WORD that isn't allowed to be posted ! Hence the asterisks ! The "S" word. The middle letter "E" word. The last letter "X" word !!!!!! Amazing !
