Saturday 27 February 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays.......

Well someone is smiling down upon me.  Tonight, Matthew, I am going to be........let out of the house again!  Wow, twice in two days, just like the buses.

The band last night were, I have to say, absolutely fantastic.  Can't quite understand why it was their final gig though as they are far too good to be jacking it in.  I have been to many a live performance and these were easily one of the best I've ever heard.  I assume the reason they haven't hit the major league is simply because, although listening to them was a massive pleasure, looking at them; well not so much so.  Imagine the Sterephonics, fat suits and really bad perms combined - very talented, but unfortuntately not enough to make them attractive.  Oh what a cruel critical wench I sound right now - perhaps I should be more careful.  As I've mentioned before every time I critisise any aspect of anyone I seem to end up in the same predicament.  Tomorrow I shall wake up short fat and male with Kevin Keegan curls.   Realistically though, nowadays celebrity status is nigh on unachievable unless you have everything in the right place, phsyically.  Artists like Bob Dylan and Barry Manilow would never get past first base, metaphorically speaking (unmetaphorically speaking - they'd never even get that far with me, I may be desperate but even I have my limits, kind of).

Tonight it's another cinema visit, this time to see The Lovely Bones.  I read the book a couple of years ago and thought it was fab so really looking forward to the film.  Invariably films never live up to the book however so bound to be a little disappointed.  Usual Saturday night then.

What is not disappointing, and in fact is pretty darn amazing for this lump of a woman, is the fact Corrinna and I did 9k today.  WOW.  Admittedly we did have a couple of walk stops but overall it was mighty good.  The last mile was run in the hacking rain and was in fact one of the best parts.  It is so unbelievably liberating getting your hair, clothes and body drenched, and feeling like you just don't care.  No mascara to worry about or hair style to protect.  It's the closest thing I'll ever get to dancing naked in it anyway (or at least till I get those new boobs).

A little disturbing was passing a group of lads, no more than twelve, tinny's in hand getting bevvied at four 'o' clock in the afternoon.  We obviously tickled their fancy so they started running along with us, until Corrinna came up with some comment to get rid, thankfully.  I actually felt like I wanted to stop there and then, sit down and give them some good hard Bambi style lecture/therapy.  What in their lives was so bad it drove them to drinking on a Sat afternoon?  and why did they feel the need to flirt with women old enough to be their grandma?  Guess that's St George's for you.

Anyway the bath is calling.  Got back three hours ago, sweaty and soaked and have just sat on the computer ever since (not literally of course - water and electricals really do not mix).  So now I am going to have a long hot soak, try using my "youthful essence" facial micro dermobrasion kit (and hope that by the time I am finished I look like Angelina Jolie) and shave the wilderness which is my leg hair.  And with that delicious image of me in your minds I shall say goodnight.

Goodnight x x


  1. NO ! NO! NOT Angelina Jolie....she has already taken the plastic surgery route.Not a good role model. Well done on the 9K ! Lovely Bones had very good reviews by quite critical folk on radio, hope it comes up to expectations. And WHAT was WRONG with Bob Dylan's looks?????

  2. Yes my son is reminiscent of Dylan and quite gorgeous I think. Good looks are useful in choosing mates to produce handsome offspring but after that you just want a good mate i.e. pal/friend and looks are pretty irrelevant then. We don't choose our friends according to their looks so we're a bit daft if we went for a handsome mate without thoroughly investigating their personality to see if we stood half a chance of remaining friends with them for the next 50 years!!!

  3. Hey remember I am the woman who has serious Chemistry for Freddie Mercury so I'm not talking from a personal perspective. I'm just saying that a lot of artists are probably rejected on the basis of their appearance. I know there are some quirky looking celebs around so maybe Dylan and Manilow weren't the best example, but I bet you can't think of any famous band whose members all look like a bad Chris Moyles. Come to think of it I can't recall any fat musical talent in the spotlight bar Beth Ditto & Alison Moyet (who are both very attractive so don't count).

    As for seeking looks in a marriage partner -absolutely pointless you're right. You may aswell pick names out of a hat as far as I'm's doubtful friendship would exist after living with any of them for twenty years, never mind 50!
