Sunday 28 February 2010

Lovely Bones

I am still reeling from the film last night.  Was far better than I had imagined and really captured the book incredibly well.  This is definitely NOT a feel good film though so don't go see it if you're feeling at all low or depressed.  Will send you right over the edge.  Personally I am now seriously considering becoming a vigilante.  Death Wish VI - with a twist.

The topic raised by The Lovely Bones is the issue of Paedophiles.  This is one thing I feel utterly strongly about.  And justifiably so.  It is my belief that anyone with an inkling for this perversion should be executed.   Not motivated by hatred, simply it is more merciful (in my opinion) to dispose of them and the problem they pose before it occurs.  If I had those tendencies I would happily wish for someone to come and put me out of my misery before I harmed anyone - inevitably then hating myself for the rest of my life and beyond.  There is no way, in my mind, that people who abuse children in a serious sexual manner can possibly ever feel good inside - that goes against the laws of conscience.  Therefore it is better to put them down, so to speak, allowing them to move on to a life elsewhere, free from the burden of their desires .   I don't feel the death penalty is deserved in many instances but in this one absolutely so.

And just incase any of you are contemplating the converse argument of "what if an innocent person is executed".  A few statistics for you.  1in 3 girls, and 1 in 6 boys in the UK will be sexually abused before the age of 18.  Every year in the United Kingdom between 5 and 9 children are abducted and killed, in America that figure is more like 40.   Over the past 30 years in America there have only be 17 wrongful convictions associated with the death penalty and 240 less serious wrongful convictions.  It doesn't specify what percentage of these were child sex related crimes.   Of these convictions half the suspects have a prior criminal history forming  the basis of their conviction.  With advances in forensic studies being so precise it is a rare thing indeed to be convicted of a crime you have had no involvement with.  The idea that a completely innocent person would fall foul of the justice system (as it stands now) is practically impossible.   In any case I would far sooner live in a world where every few years an innocent man or woman hangs, than a world where every week an innocent child's life is taken or destroyed.

Ok off my soap box now.

Can't really recover from that subject very well. Doesn't feel appropriate to start clowning around with my usual attempts at witty banter.  No, I think I shall have to leave you on that entirely depressing topic.  Would be really good though to get some feedback from you all, even if it is to tell me I'm wrong!

Happy Sunday Everyone x x


  1. That's a really big can of worms - can't decide what should happen to all the evil people in the world but I can't feel good about the odd innocent suspect being hung - they're someone's child too. Life is so complicated, justice even more so. . . let's seriously hope it all gets sorted out properly in the end. Love you xxx

  2. Yep that's a valid point to which I think I have the solution....Patrick Jane aka the Mentalist. He never gets it wrong. Every force should have one.

  3. Still trying to work out which word/words did the censor so object to as to render my post un postable ? ? Evil? Agree ? We shall see !

  4. Which post? I am confused. I am the Censor but I haven't rejected sure it said it was actually posted awaiting moderation?
