Friday 19 February 2010

Tears before bedtime

I'm sitting here with tear stained cheeks, but thankfully no it's not because of Chris this time!!  I have just  watched the most devastatingly emotional film (My Sister's Keeper) so you'll have to excuse me if I am a little pensive.    

The film addresses the issue of 'donor' babies; children who are conceived using IVF, specifically for the purpose of providing some form of donation/transplant for siblings.  Coincidentally, someone asked me just the other day whether I would consider the very same thing.  Not because I have a sick child, just in a hypothetical sense.   And without a moment's hesitation I said Yes.   How could it be a bad thing?  I'd be having another child which in itself is good, and that child could save the other child, also good....isn't it?  After seeing the film tonight I am massively undecided.  Certainly made me reconsider my stance and realise that to each and every moral argument there are usually two equally legitimate cases to be heard.

Why must everything be so complicated ?  Like I've said before, I need a rule book.  A dictionary of what is right; clearly defined and unquestionable.  Rather than ambiguous ethics and moralistic riddles left right and centre.  Life was so much simpler when we were all monkeys.

What is very simple, apart from my brain, is the very obvious fact, to me anyway, that I shall not be ready for the race in two weeks.  I did have an exercise session today, walking up the Wrekin and jogging back down (which incidentally is a great way to impress passers by who generally assume you have jogged up also!), but I am feeling it is nigh on impossible to manage 6.3 miles in only fourteen days.  Sorry I should qualify that a little, I can complete the distance, no problem, it's getting it done in a respectable time and not finishing on a stretcher that I'm afraid of.

So, tomorrow I am going to give myself a target of four miles in fourty five minutes, which will be a real test of my fitness.  HA.  And when it all goes horribly wrong I shall just sit in the gutter and cry!!

Report back tomorrow folks.

And if you happen to want a night of blubbering, bawling and general hysteria, My Sister's Keeper is available in all good Blockbusters.

x x

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