Wednesday 24 February 2010

Matchsticks required

If I were a candle I would simply be a burnt out wick with a small amount of wax remaining in the middle.  

It is half past midnight and I am sat here absolutely perished having just finished several hours of accounts work, flight hunting and trying to balance our own personal finances (more chance of balancing on stilts I might add).  I have a train to catch in eight hours time and am desperate for some sleep so can't be long. 

Was pretty chuffed with my aerobic efforts today.  Went to Sister's house to use her spangly new rowing machine, did a bit of a jog on the way home (for about a mile and a half) then jumped on my bike and was out on that for fourty minutes or so.   Have to say doing a variety of exercise was much more preferable to straight out jogging, although I did have the ipod on, listening to a spot of Queen, which always helps.  I absolutely love Freddy Mercury and even though he is Gay and probably highly decomposed by now I would still happily have his babies.  Definitely one of the sexiest men to walk this planet (him and Eddie Izzard, and yes I do have a slight fetish about butch cross-dressers which I am sure Freud could have a field day with).  It is I feel a slight progression from my childhood crush which was Chewbacca - what was wrong with Hans Solo or Luke I shall never understand.

So I shall love you and leave you and hope that I can find time tomorrow to have a decent chat.

Nighty night.  x


  1. Chewbacca.....Teddy Bear.

    Freddie yet unthreatening.

    Eddie Izzard.....Funny, comfy, you can borrow his clothes.

  2. Ha Ha, Thought it was just me who had a crush on Freddie and Eddie! Although not Chewbacca. Next you'll be saying you fancied Rofl from the muppets!
