Thursday 25 February 2010

My Camera - the liar.

Another midnight finish but this time not due to work, been out socialising instead.  Well if you can call watching a film at the cinema reality it's probably the least sociable activity there is.   Not really the best place to have a full blown chat about life, loves and missing tampons.  Not unless you fancy getting a carton of popcorn thrown at your head anyhow.

Went to see "Valentine's Day" which on a scale of one to ten, ten being top notch and one being anything featuring or produced by Woody Allen, I would rate it about four and a half.  Totally middle of the road, lacklustre and predictable but nevertheless very feel good.  Oh and unrealistic.   Out of the nine couples featured (it being a film about Valentines Day - surprisingly - and the ins and outs of various relationships) there was not an ugly, fat, spotty, unemployed, financially challenged or disabled person amongst them - just a bunch of super-hot, super-rich high flyers.  A true representation of society then.  I thought it could at least feature one down to earth story line, say about a couple who've been married for fifteen years, have four children, he's unemployed (and brain damaged), she's fat, moody and borderline manic depressive - on Valentines they wake up, exchange the obligatory cards & gifts then spend the rest of the day squabbling, wondering why the hell they married each other in the first place.  But no.  Apparently that's not what people want to see.

All these late nights are taking their toll I feel.  I took some photos of myself today and couldn't believe the amount of wrinkles I have - especially across my forehead.  I have decided to undergo surgery as soon as I can afford it but meanwhile I'll have to make do with trying to sleep more, or even just enough, and see if that helps.   I also couldn't believe that out of the fourty six pictures I took, not one of them looked like me -  just some chubby, big chinned, piggy eyed woman staring out from the camera screen - where she came from I do not know.

Thank you to those who have submitted a vote on my poll by the way.  This one has been really interesting I feel....why does it not surprise me that 60% of you associate the greatest mistake of your lives with a man, and the other 40% with money......proving my theory that it's men who are the root of all evil, not money which is merely the soil that evil grows in.  I am however very surprised that none of you have been involved in any criminal activities, and on the basis that you are all therefore really rather boring I am going to have to ask you to go out and commit some (crime) to make yourselves more interesting to me.

Not mass murder though, preferably.


  1. Strong jawline is a family trait, it comes with the character. We are all FAR too critical of our own looks. Try to be OBJECTIVE. Wrinkles ?....too much SUN, not enough MOISTURISER. Plus... "energy" drinks BADLY dehydrate the body, robbing first the SURFACE. Like a precious plant....WATER. WATER. WATER. xx

  2. Take a look at photos of eg. your wedding..... bet you don't dislike them ? All you have done is let dust cloud the vision......get spring are still in there !

  3. You could have taken four photos, or fourteen, or have been particularly impressed with the fourth photo... but you cannot have fourty, it must have been forty photos you took. Just 'keeping it real! X
