Friday 26 February 2010

Surprisingly early

Yes well if I don't write something now I shan't manage it atall today as I'm about to depart for a night of hedonistic pleasure down at the Barleymow.  Living the high life me.  Actually going to listen to a band (called The Words) as I do enjoy a bit of live music....... really hoping they cut it though as going with a friend who is an avid follower and not sure she'll appreciate me telling her they're utter crap.

Today, so far, has been surprisingly pleasant.  Usually I spend most days wishing my life away, eagerly anticipating a time when I shall be svelt, rich, employed, beautiful and content.   Today was different in that I spent it with one of my bestest friends who always manages to make everything seem much better than it is.....which is the key to true friendship in my eyes.   Laughter genuinely is the most amazing antidote to our miserable time here on the planet.  And make me laugh she does.

Unfortunately when I got home I found Danny, my second child, swollen faced with slitty eyes and looking rather unwell.  I asked him if he was sick,  to which he just replied that he'd had a very bad day, but didn't wish to talk about it.  After a certain amount of prising however I managed to access the route of his unhappiness.  It goes a bit like this.....

There is a boy in his class who is, shall we say, rather rotund.  He is, and always has been, the butt of everyone's cruel jibes and is pretty much friendless.  Danny, who himself has always been rather popular albeit slightly off the wall, has of late befriended this boy and they have become inseperable.  Every morning, every evening, every weekend Dan is on the X-box Live chatting with him.  Whenever I have listened in on these conversations (as all good nosy mothers must) I have detected a real tenderness and affection in his tone and can tell that Danny genuinely thinks very highly of this kid. 

Anyway, turns out that because Danny has become so tight with this boy, he is now on the receiving end of all the cruelty also.  He says the entire class, bar his cousin and her friend, have turned against him.  The boys are calling him names such as "Gay Boy", "Baby" and tripping him over in the cloakroom, pushing on the playground etc & generally making his life a misery.  Things that they have always done to the other boy for years.   But the sweet part is this.  Danny said to me at first, "Mum I can't talk to you about it as every time I do it makes me cry and I don't want to get upset".    After I pursuaded him to open up you know which point he cried at?  Not the bit where he talked of  being bullied himself.  He only sobbed when he described to me the things that the other boys were doing to his friend (making fun of his weight, calling him fat boy, asking him if he has been to Mcdonalds lately etc - all typical unoriginal stuff). 

Although I am gutted that his class seem to have decided to re-enact Lord of the Flies,  and Danny is playing the part of Piggy, I am also so incredibly proud.  Because I can see that whatever other issues my son may have, and however frustrating I find him at times, he has a quality within him which is priceless; something which compensates for many a failing.  I looked at him as he was regaling me with tales of his traumatic day tonight and I think I have never loved him so much in all my life. 

Perhaps you needed to be there to appreciate how beautiful it was!  Although not beautiful enough to stop me from then telling Euan that tomorrow he is to visit the home of the ringleader and give him the kick-in of his life. 

Joking of course.  But I am going to be down at the school on Monday morning shotgun in hand ready to take on the lot of them.

Meanwhile I have a date with a hot band.

Adios Amigos


  1. MAJOR LEAGUE BRAVO to Dan ! Thats our boy ! I wonder what the parents of the miserable bullies are on? Wouldn't anyone with ANY sense of decency be ASHAMED to have kids like that ? Horrid little stinkers. Who, unless checked, will turn into horrid big stinkers. Schools should get their policies ACTED on, there IS no excuse.

  2. Must speak to you about school, remind me x
