Sunday 7 March 2010

and the first shall be last...

I live in hope. 

Well it's finally over folks.  We completed it in record time, no stops, no tears (well not quite anyway) and aside from the fact I now have a blister the size of a clementine on my toe and a knee that will probably never support my weight again, it was fine.

Sadly, as closely predicted, I came in third to last.  Didn't actually have to trip Corrinna though as she very chivalrously allowed me to finish in front of her.  In the end there were almost five hundred participants and of those only about thirty were in our age and sex category so overall not a terrible result.  Additionally we arrived at the start line 5 minutes after the gun had been fired...yes that's correct I did say five minutes after, not before, which is just typical of everything we do.  We Silvers struggle to conform in any respect and are always looking for ways to stand out from the crowd.  And stand out, albeit as a pair of losers, we did.  Frustratingly by the time we started many of the spectators were walking the route, meaning we had to chicane jog through a million and one bodies -  clearly slowing us no end.

Along the way we passed a few competitors walking back in the opposite direction, presumably who had to duck out due to injury.  I shouldn't have felt any pleasure at this sight but confess I did.  At least I would be finishing the race, I told myself.  No wimping out for me.  In reality the only reason I did finish was because Corrinna donned her commando persona again and would not let me give up.  I am 100% grateful to her now of course and feel she is wasted in her role as cycle proficiency instructor - I'm thinking she could probably steer Britain straight if she were given the opportunity and should rightfully stand as Primeminister.

Annoyingly because we were late and so very slow it seemed to generate some rather disheartening reactions.  Firstly from the group of marshals stood at the two mile marker who at the sight of us began tittering away to themselves.  I appreciate I may not be the most athletic of creatures but still, that was uncalled for.  Secondly another pair of marshals at about mile four,  pulled alongside us in their car and said "excuse me are you taking part in the race?".  The massive piece of paper stuck to my cleavage with the number 42 on obviously not being answer enough.  I can't tell you what I wanted to say back.  No I just do this every **!!!****?? Sunday for fun you idiot.  Anyway they were stopping to tell us they were sick of waiting so had  packed up their stand; and to let us know we needed to turn left at the next crossroads.  How encouraging.

It was at this point that I very much wanted to cry.  My foot was burning, my knee was throbbing, my chest was exploding and my desire to finish, just like the crappy marshals, was gone..  Thankfully Corrinna talked me round...military style.

The final mile however was relatively enjoyable.  A lovely chappie called Seb, who had completed the race in a startling 36 minutes (and he wasn't even the winner) cycled up to us to offer a spot of encouragement.   He was praising our efforts and reassuring us we were doing so well and I can't tell you how fantastic it felt, to have someone recognise what a challenge you're facing.  In addition to Seb were the wonderful Alan and Suzanne, residents of our other house (but only until Tuesday!!) who true to their word came down and supported us.  Standing on the finish line cheering away and, shockingly, taking video footage of our final few hundred metres.  Thank you both for being such good pals!  It was great to see a couple of smiling faces waiting for us instead of just the remaining marshals who by this time were checking their watches and mumbling comments like "about bloody time!".

So goal one has been successfuly achieved.  I understand my limits however and know that the half marathon in two weeks simply aint happening.  I am going to enter myself for another 10k in ten weeks or so to ensure that I don't drop my training regime and to see if I can't improve on my speed, or lack of it.  Not sure what to do about the blog.  I have enjoyed writing but feel you must all be getting a little tired of my ramblings and maybe need to shake things up a bit.  I'll think about that one tomorrow, as Miss O Hara would say.

For now though it's bed time, with a hot water bottle and a sweet feeling inside of unabashed contentment.  But to finish I must just mention the other two companions Corrinna and I had for a brief moment on our approx mile five what should come out of the hedge in front of us but a pair of waddling ducks!!.  Just happily going along their way and looking mighty content.  And tonight this duck is a happy one too. x


  1. Well flippin' fantastic done ! I am full of admiration. Also fairly full of the desire to mow down manky marshalls but, Hey Ho ! what goes around will surely come around and bite them on the bum. Need to take good care of your knee, I do know a good physio as it happens...
    DO keep the blog going, it is a breath of fresh air... and you will have tons of material with all the blether we will be getting from politicians in the coming weeks.
    The ducks knew who to come out for !
    WELL DONE again. xxx

  2. Well done Bambi and Corrina!!!! So proud xx
    Must say I nearly did wet myself when you mentioned the ducks coming out!!!! LOL

  3. THIRD to last? Who the heck was behind me? !! x
