Tuesday 16 March 2010

Bambi in Wonderland.

I'm not sure what it was I ingested yesterday evening but I'm 99% certain some contaminant entered my brain.  As soon as I'd finished blogging I went up to my bedroom feeling fairly whacked yet rather than falling in to a deep luxurious sleep I spent the next two hours ruminating over every depressing topic possible.  Can't quite remember how it all began.  Probably snuggling in to the pillow feeling, as I usually do, highly grateful to have a warm cosy bed and a roof over my head.  This then lead on to thoughts of poverty, disease, war, hunger, abuse, contemplation on whether a human can be born evil or is made that way, anxiety over my own parenting, frustration at life and it's uncertainty and eventually the conclusion that in the end it's possibly all pointless.   Next time I really must stick to counting sheep.

I would love to have access to someone else's mind for the day.   It has often occured to me that my perception and experience of life may be completely unique (as could everyone's) but I will never know if it's different to the norm because I only know my inner self and no-one elses.  Assuming that a 'norm' even exists.  For example; If you picture the colour blue in your mind, how do you know that what you are seeing is actually blue?  Could it be that you are infact seeing the colour which I know as red but you have learnt to call it blue?  Unless I can get inside you and see what you see I will never quite know. Not that it really matters.   If when I see purple you see turquoise I'm guessing it won't impact on the future of the world all that much.

Good news is that I have some new tennants.  Really good news is that they are friends of ours so I can ditch the letting agency and hopefully it will be a mutually beneficial arrangement.  I am aware that I shall no longer be able to sell the property but in all honesty I don't think it was going anywhere any time soon.  So we shall sit on it for a few more years and hope the economy takes a turn for the better.  Failing that there's always arson. 

Right then off now to go have my tetanus jab.  I'm fairly certain I have none of the symptoms but may aswell go get it anyway and innoculate myself for the next ten years.   Who knows when the next attack could occur -  Violet may be gone but I still live with a bunch of savage animals.

x x

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