Saturday 13 March 2010

Liar Liar, big fat bottom's on fire!

Come on now folks.  This poll cannot be correct.  Are you seriously trying to tell me that my readers defy statistics, with over 50% having intimate moments more than twice a week?  I simply do not believe it.  Personally I think Chris has been voting repeatedly in an attempt to guilt me in to thinking I'm abnormal.  Waste of time really as I knew that years ago.  Anyhow if it isn't Chris, then I am truly gobsmacked and intimidated.

So today has been bliss.  One child : two parent ratio and life is absolutely simple.   Peaceful, relaxed, controlled - everything that it normally isn't.  Which is grand as it's made me realise that the problem lies not with my parenting skills but rather my poor contraception.  All I have to figure out now is how to decide which children to sell on Ebay.

I wonder what would actually happen if you did try that.  I heard a story once about a girl who'd attempted to sell her Nanna online, but Ebay had to withdraw the sale as it was an infringement of their selling policy.  Apparently  Nans, Grandads and Class A substances are all strictly prohibited.   Which when you think about it is probably rather unnecessary.  Ebay doesn't provide the best anonymity now does it.

Looking forward to settling down in a moment with Chris, who I actually like today, and watching a film.  Fortunately for our relationship he has the memory of a fish and I have a complete inability to hold a grudge.  Thankfully.  I remember as a child occasionally planning to send my sister to Coventry for some perceived offence or other only to give up within the hour as my need to chat by far outweighed my annoyance.  I am one of those very odd people who flare up in a flash but calm down equally quickly and so you can pretty much ignore most of what I say.   Every now and then though I do actually mean something but its impossible to know the difference....even I can't be sure.

Impulsive is what I think most would call it.  I am entirely spontaneous, often irresponsible and generally a spur of the moment kind of girl.....not the most positive attribute I admit.  If ever you need a companion to run away with or rob a bank though,  I am definitely the person to ask first.  This is probably why no diet regime works as generally speaking my long term planning is pathetic.  I attempt to carry out an objective, get bored, decide to go off at a completely different tangent and essentially bob things up.  Thus why I am particularly proud that I finished my race, haven't had a drink of Coke and am still married.  Perhaps leopards do change their spots with age.

Anyway can't wait for tomorrow and all the millions of lovely things which shall surely come my way.  This is the one day where having multiple children has its benefits and I intend to milk it to the last drop. 

Bring it on.


  1. A poll needs to be in the THOUSANDS to have any real validity, even then, statistics can be made to "prove" practically ANYTHING. In general , former polls have shown sex to be deemed over-rated by real people yet over-stated by the media. Men attach more importance to it than females ( remember the link between Big Brain and Little Brain..s ie:the actual organ within the skull and the demon organs in the scrotal sac....primal link can only be severed by...Yes !... SEVERING ! or atrophy ). And the answer to this impasse between the sexes ? Blow-up Dolls.......Simple.

  2. Also Bambi, To give a true reflection on the outcome of the poll, you should of asked, how often but it is of choice and enjoyed rather than Obviously hinted at by other partner and feel obliged to avoid a really grumpy attitude!!
    We all do it, but do we want it? ;)

  3. Can i just say i like Emma's comment!
