Wednesday 31 March 2010

The end is nigh?

Today's weather is a sure sign don't you think?; snow, sleet, hail, sun, rain, wind.  All it lacked was a spot of thunder and lightning and we'd have experienced the entire spectrum.  I honestly thought back in the 80's that scientists were being a tad melodramatic about this ozone malarky.  It seemed to me that global warming could only be a good thing, and would save me a great deal of money on fake tan.  Little did I realise that all those CFC's being pumped on to my Toyah-esque mullet would eventually result in the eight seasons a day phenomenon we seem to be having.   Darn it.

Totally sidetracking now, did I tell you I was on the radio again the other day?   Got stopped in Birmingham by a lady from BBC something or other.  Can't say I listened properly to who she was, I was too busy panicking the second she mentioned Politics.  I'd assumed she was a market researcher stopping me to ask something trivial like my preferred toothpaste or toilet paper or such like.  But no, she was an intellectual wanting my opinion with regard to the speech Tony Blair is proposing to make on behalf of the Labour Party, and whether I felt it would benefit them in the next election or not.  Crap.  I had about ten seconds to pull some semblance of a coherent response from the cobwebbed recesses of my politically disinterested brain.  I should have just been honest and told her the truth which was a) I didn't know b) I didn't care and c)how can I possibly concentrate when you're asking me these questions stood outside a cake shop??.  For some reason though I felt obliged to reward her faith in me, after all she had obviously chosen moi thinking I was a woman capable of giving a decent answer.  So I reeled off a most scathing response, expressing my entire dissatisfaction with Mr Blair and suggesting that in truth Labour desperately needed a new leader or a miracle. 

Do they?  I don't know but it sounded good and she went away pleased.   I went away with an elightened comprehension of my natural ability to deceive and considering a career in politics myself. 

Tomorrow is another Kaplan study day, which I can already predict will be challenging because I am whacked and not yet making any effort to get to bed.  In addition to that I have the horror of hosting a sleepover for Danny and his friends in the evening.   I am absolutely dreading it.   He's already prepped me by saying "Mum, Brandon can be really naughty and he swears a lot but he doesn't mean to so you won't tell him off will you?!".  Nah Dan.  Also one of the mums called me to say "I'm a bit worried about letting Josh come to the sleepover as we never really let him go anywhere.... because of his problems".  Great. 

Something tells me several weeks' material for the Blog may well be coming up.

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