Monday 15 March 2010

Oh yes....

It's funny how the minute I mention the word sex it has you voting in droves.....this has been the most popular poll by far.  I am confused though.  Yesterday eight of you said you were up to it twice weekly or more, yet today that figure has gone down to seven.  I'm thinking then that someone had a particularly unsatisfactory Mother's Day. 

Incidentally 'Emma' made a very valid comment that I really should be questioning how often you are actually 'enjoying' sex rather than just doing it.  This could be far more revealing.  Quality girls, not quantity.

and yes I am still trying to make myself feel better, and less inept.

Saying that,  today I received possibly one of the most startling compliments of my entire life.  Infact I am smiling now just thinking about it.  A friend of mine said a few days ago she was thinking to herself that were she a man, or indeed just inclined with a preference for the female anatomy, she believes I would be her perfect woman.  A truly flattering comment, and one which made me momentarilty wish I could turn to the dark side.  But alas, I am many things, but gay is not one of them.  And nor is she I hasten to add. 

This emphasises the point I made yesterday, that women are generally more flattered by the approval of other women rather than from the opposite sex.  If a man had told me I was, in his opinion, the perfect female I would instantly suspect he was crazy-mad, drunk or trying to get something from me.  Perhaps my own paranoia at work but I would inevitably distrust his motive.  Coming from a woman it felt safe, reassuring and sincere.  Somewhere deep down inside I guess I must be a closet misandrist  (don't try and tell me you know what that means....go look it up like I had to!!).

Note how this blog attempts to reward you with literary enlightenment.  I'm not just a pretty (albeit spot ravaged and chubby) face you know.

Today I went for my first 'run' since the race.  I have been trying to take it easy and enable my injured knee to correct itself so basically been following the gently does it plan.  Did a spot of swimming on Saturday which was highly beneficial for the joints.  Also highly beneficial for my self esteem.  It's rare for me to enter a pool and feel attractive, however swimming at our local municipal pool on "Free Swim" session I felt like a Goddess.  The men all resembled beer swilling cage fighters, and the women weren't far behind.  Just to be this side of twenty stones with all my own teeth and a belly button located somewhere close to the place it's supposed to be made me feel almost celebrity level glamorous.   I know you shouldn't judge, but I did and must confess to scrubbing myself extra hard in the showers afterwards.      Thankfully I am still alive and well which is amazing considering that Chris, Mr-I-couldn't-be-tactful-if-my-genitals-were-in-a-guillotene-and-their-safety-depended-upon-it Ford found it highly amusing to sing rounds of "who ate all the pies" whilst swimming up and down the pool.   What next I wonder,  Selling hot dogs outside the local mosque perhaps.

So the run was fine although only very very very short.  I shall get on to it again tomorrow and try to build up some mileage.  I am still hovering around the same weight as I have been for the last two weeks or more and need to do something radical to remedy that.  Not keen on the idea of fingers down throat or gallons of andrews salts though so need to come up with a more reasonable idea.  All this eating sensibly and moving more malarky is getting me nowhere.

Answers on a postcard please.

x x

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