Wednesday 24 March 2010

Beautiful things...........

Sometimes, when I genuinely look at my life from an objective point of view I realise just how very blessed I am.  I live in a lovely home, have four beautiful children, we have food, warmth, clothing (just not in the size I would like) and wonderful family and friends all around us.  I have nothing worthy of complaining about, and this must become my new mantra.  Who cares if I am a strong and capable duck.......first things first I need to become a happy quacker.

This morning Tracey, my welsh angel of FcMurry fame, paid me a visit offering to help me clean up a little.  Don't imagine for a second this is because I am such a dirty tramp my friends find it necessary to offer such services.  Anyone who knows me well enough knows that the way to my heart, or rather  the way to sooth my soul is either by cleaning or spending vast amounts of cash.  So cleaning is generally the cheaper option.  That's true friendship now don't you think.  As it happens I had just purchased a piece of furniture which needed assembling so we spent the entire morning constructing that.  True to our female form we managed to screw the shelves on upside down and the wrong way round, but it all got sorted eventually, further evidence that men are becoming rapidly obsolete.

Talking of men, last night during our girly shenanigans we got on to the subject of tapeworms.  Why the connection to men you may ask?  Surely I'm not trying to suggest that man is in any way comparable to those parasitic creatures who initially try and enter your body then proceed over time to cause you pain, ruin your sleep and make you sick.  Not atall.   Somehow the conversation went from tapeworm to a fish which inhabits the waters of Southern American and is supposedly so small it can swim up a man's uretha (that's the bit you pee out of fellas).   Whoever was telling the story couldn't quite remember the name of it (the fish that is) but was fairly certain that the victim's only method of treatment was amputation!  Never.  Gave us some comedy material anyway.  Turns out when I googled it today there really is such thing.  It's called the Candiru  - "Once in the passage, it erects the short spines on its gill covers and may thereby cause inflammation, hemorrhage, and even death to the victim".  Now just answer me this, why would God make such a thing?   I remember once being told that the only creation with no purpose was a wasp.  Well just exactly what is a willy-loving fish for?

Still, now I know where to send Chris on his next holiday.

The big news for today is my new car.  Not just a new car as in new to me but a brand spanking sparkling shining gleaming glossy new new car.  It is beautiful.  We decided to replace the Cougar as the MOT was going to cost us in excess of £1000 making Sunday's breakdown fiasco the cherry on the cake so to speak.  After all the money our two old nails have cost over the past year I worked out that there is practically nil difference between having a cheap old car plus repairs than a brand new car with warranty.  So we have done it, and I am now the proud owner of a little Peugeot 207 Diesel.   My only anxiety is that owning a new car may appear somewhat pretentious.....they depreciate so rapidly in the first few years it seems insane to have one, like you have money to burn.  On the contrary though, it's because we have no spare cash that I feel a guaranteed expenditure is absolutely necessary.  No more nasty surprises.  Not car-related anyway.  (And if I'm honest, the materialistic shallow side of me is loving it!).

Right off to get those children of mine to bed.  Chris has gone out tonight, which is only fair seeings as I had a night out yesterday.

And only fair that I send him a series of complaints via text.

VEXTing if you like.

x  x


  1. VEXTing - LOVE IT! I think you have enough material for at least 3 series of an excellent sitcom, that or a film better than Bridget Jones. Know any film producers?

  2. Ever thought of having a poll where people can't see the results until it's closed? Think the current one is very interesting (as are some others) but wonder if we the voting public are ever influenced by votes so far.

  3. This voting member of the public is NEVER influenced by the voting pattern of anyone else ! Am interested to know the rationale behind others choices though. Just for the craic.... I wanted War to go cos then all effort/money wasted on that destruction could be re-directed to get rid of poverty/cancer/crime...

  4. p s....and War IS a crime.
