Thursday 4 March 2010

Every mother's worst fear....

Some may feel that discovering their child has joined a radical religious cult, is a wanted criminal or are planning to change from Kevin to Karen to be the worst fear they have.  Mine is Parents Evening and tonight was the night.  Holy moly mother of misery, does it get any worse than this.  Well yes probably.  Charlotte of course has no worries.  She is the model student; conscientious, polite, hard working, bright, able, thoughtful, the list goes on and on.  At the other end of the spectrum is Danny.  In fact he is probably off the end and on a completely different spectrum altogether. 

His teachers (one for English, one for Maths) genuinely looked like they wanted to rip their hair out from the roots.  "We've tried everything" they said, but instead of making progress he is the only child actually going backwards.  He is a conundrum.  In lessons he is vacant, distracted, unengaged, confused and sometimes borderline catatonic.  He answers questions which are complicated yet can't solve the simple ones and every now and then he transitions in to a kind of hyper-mode personality  and  can't shut up.  There must be medication for this kind of thing.......(yeah anti-depressants....for me!).  He has actually been referred now to an outside body who hopefully will assess what the problem is.  My genes perhaps.

Today Corrinna and I tried to do a 10k practice run.  Well she tried, I just merely tagged along complaining that every inch of my body had some kind of ache or pain and eventually persuading her to settle for 7.5k instead.  What a light weight.   A light weight heavy weight that is.  I think on the day I am going to ask her to run a few steps in front of me with a cream bun dangled behind her back as an incentive for me to keep going - if only Mr Izzard could be pursuaded to run with me, naked but for a pair of red stiletoes.  Ewwww actually that wouldn't be such a great picture - all those bits wobbling everywhere.  Gone right of my cream bun now.

I take comfort from the thought however that in 72 hours time it will all be well and truly over.  It is I imagine ever so slightly like being on Death Row, only harder because I actually have a choice.  Okay so perhaps I am being melodramatic now.  Just indulge me. 

The good news is that when I weighed myself today I was the lightest so far.  Not so far in my life of course, just since I have been trying to follow this plan.  I was so close to breaking the stone barrier that I got back off the scales, took off my underwear, forced out a pee, blew my nose and even contemplated a home made enema but decided that was going too far.  Got back on and guess what, exactly the blinkin same.  Apparently pee, snot and padded bras are all weightless.  And yes I am scale obsessed, but as I'm aware of the problem it doesn't count.  That's the new rule and it applies to all addictions; alcohol, sex, drugs, gambling and strawberry chewits included.

x x x

1 comment:

  1. WELL DONE ! Your weight is in the DOWN direction, not up. You can run the distance, you will run the distance. Enjoy the scenery. You WILL be fine. Danny will be fine. It's the teachers who have the problem...not LISTENING and addressing issues before. It's their JOB. It's what they're PAID to DO. Time enough now for them to sort it. xxx
