Friday 19 March 2010

Sunny side up please

I am utterly convinced I suffer from SAD.  As well as the other million things I have wrong with me that is.  In absolute honesty I'm probably part hypochondriac diluted with some actual medical problems, which is perhaps a good description of most of us.  SAD though, or seasonal affective disorder, is a genuine condition, with scientific foundations and everything.   I guess we all need a bit of hot stuff.

Sunshine is such an all round boost.  Suddenly with the sun out my life feels more rewarding, I feel healthier, I feel fitter, I feel more positive and able to contend with the many obstacles which keep rolling through here like tumble weed during a tornado.   I think what I actually need then in my quest for contentment is to move to a hot country.  Which if I could transport my entire family, i.e. sister, mum, dad, in-laws and closest friends, I would do in a flash but it's just not possible.  Or rather it's never logistically going to happen.  Quite a few people we know have done it, including Chris's absolute best friend ever who now lives in Oz, and occasionally I think perhaps we could,  but realistically, whilst I could manage without most people in my life, my sister is a must.  Who else could motivate my wobbly backside of a morning.

You may have noticed incidentally that I didn't blog yesterday.  Were you worried?  Thought me abducted?  Not quite.  I just decided that on my child's birthday I should really pay some attention to him.  I can get away with ignoring them most of the year but even I draw the line somewhere.  I had spent the entire day at College which meant I really had to put the hours in when I got home.


Either I'm getting stupider or the challenge is ramping up a little.  Yesterday I actually started to feel like my head would explode.  I love the tutor, who is usually extremely funny with a larger than life personality that makes me seem like a mouse in comparison.   Everything she says though is bellowed which most of the time I can handle but by 3pm, after five or so hours of it,  I couldn't take much more.   The combination of complex equations and that booming racket reverberating around my brain sent me in to a mind altered state and it was all I could do not to scream at her to shut her big fat cake hole.   I think perhaps I am hormonal again.  

Confirmed by the fact that on the train home the lady sitting at my side was also irritating the pants off me.   For some reason she found it necessary to read the newspaper aloud to her work colleague (and thus the entire carriage) intermittently providing a commentary on each article.  One particular story, about a cat who got stuck in a tree, really rocked her boat and she must have waffled on about it for twenty minutes or more.  She kept saying things like "ooooh it says the poor little thing was stuck in the tree for two days, two days, can you imagine??, you'd think it would come down by itself wouldn't you?  wouldn't you?, oh my, and then it says they got a ladder to get it down, one of those loft ladders, oh could you imagine that??, how funny,  oh my,  ooh and look the fire brigade were called and everyone came out to watch, oh my, and ooooooh how funny".  Funny?  Shut the *!&X up woman.

But today that grumpy old cow (me) is gone, because the sun is beaming down and I intend now to get out in it and enjoy.  Apparently it is set to reach 16 degrees.

I wonder if Telford is ready for Bambi dans le Bikini??

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