Tuesday 9 March 2010

Still here.

Well I almost made the decision to give it up but then realised I'd have a huge void in my life.  What else am I going to do during my college revision time?  Writing this blog has provided me with an opportunity to share my burdens and lessen life's loneliness, not to mention learning a few grammatical tips (from my commenters) and I'm just not ready to say adios, not yet.

I thought this morning I would finally be able to announce the wonderous stone breaking event but no, the scales are now creeping down in infinitesemal amounts rendering me just .02 of a pound above target!!    Optimistically speaking I should feel a portion of gratitude that my scales are so precise as to measure in ounces as aswell as pounds.  In the bad old days of mechanical scales this weight loss would be far too insignificant to register and therefore even more disheartening.  Like I said before, it is going in the right direction, just not at the right speed, which truly is the story of my life.  Should I die tomorrow I wish for this to be my epitaph.   "She was capable of anything....only not very quickly" - unless of course we're talking about loss of temper, now that I can do with lightning efficiency, like a ninja on amphetamine, especially where my children are concerned.

Exercise wise not done anything since Sunday.  Can't tell you how painful my knee was yesterday.  Totally stiffened up and swollen, which is a great state for some parts of the anatomy but generally not knees.  I actually had an appointment at a hospital physiotherapist yesterday.  Ironically had to hobble in to see her and explain that contrary to how it looked the problem was in my shoulder.  The Chiropractor I use had tentatively diagnosed tendinitis about twelve weeks ago when I really was in some serious agony with it.  Since starting this new diet and exercise regime though I must confess it has eased incredibly.  Anyway I digress.  The physio took a look at me, had me bend over backwards, quite literally, and forwards then twist about a bit and informed me that the problem lies in the fact I am hypermobile.  For a second I confused this with hypochondria and almost responded with an equally cutting remark but then realised my mistake.  Hypermobile means I am super-flexible, super-bendy and now with being super-fat it's becoming highly problematic.  Hypermobility can only be controlled by strengthening the surrounding joint muscles hence why all my troubles arrived at about the same time as the children.  The good news is, should I ever lose both my arms in a freak shark attack I shall be able to feed myself using only my feet.

In seriousness she did say this will also account for the knee pain and has advised me that continuing on my current course of weight loss and increased activity is essential to combat future complaints.  So another reason why I can't just give up.  Not that I was even considering it of course......  In fact only this morning I have arranged with CCW (Commando Cocaine Wade) to meet up for another session.   She is superwoman and I really think she should consider hiring herself out, not to me of course as I am brassic, but to others who are less deserving.

Incidentally in the gap (the one between the last paragraph and this one) I have just made a complete arse of myself answering the door to the Ocado delivery man.  I had become so entranced with my writings that I had forgotten about such menial concerns as grocery deliveries.  Thus when he introduced himself by saying "Hi Love, Sorry I'm a bit early" (and was not wearing any form of identifiable supermarket clothing) I merely said "Early for what.....who are you?????" in a most paranoid manner.   This was certainly not the Gigolo I had been contemplating hiring on the internet last night.  Anyway he made himself known, I realised my error and laughed it off.  But he still thinks I am a nutter I can tell.

Right then I really should get gone and do this project.  Four thousand words of utter drivel coming up.

x x


  1. Phew ! Thought you HAD packed it in ! Really glad you haven't. Funny as ever. Mollie still holding on by a whisker so bedding down with that lovely cat again now. XXX ps...boracic...lint...skint. Rhyming slang innit !

  2. You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink (something like that). Don't be fooling yourself that any of your achievements aren't entirely yours - because they are... entirely! You have got stronger and fitter, physically and mentally in your determination. You are inspiring and I'm glad this continues, there are great achievements in store and we're all going to be impressed and entertained along the way.
