Friday 12 March 2010

Is it Easter yet?

Cause right now all I can think about is stuffing my face full of Cadburys Mini Eggs washed down with an ice cold pint of Diet Coke.  Bliss.  Will have to wait a while I suppose - 23 days and counting.

This morning I called by the "walk in" surgery to enquire whether they felt a Tetanus injection was indeed necessary.  A few people had recommended I get one and I was beginning to feel paranoid that any moment my jaw would seize and I'd begin to spasm uncontrollably.  Could you imagine - just the not being able to talk part would certainly prove fatal.  Although the great thing about Tetanus, if you get it bad enough apparently, is your body consumes approximately 4000 calories a day during the recovery period.  And recovery takes up to six weeks.  We're talking some serious weight loss there. 

Anyway the triage Nurse  agreed that yes I did need to get a booster injection but said this would have to be done at the clinic where I am registered.  I then called my Doctor's surgery and explained the situation to his receptionist.  I asked her whether I could come in and have a jab and she said "yes, but not until late next week".  "That's fine" I said "so long as you can just confirm tetanus doesn't need to be treated any quicker than that.....I mean if the symptoms are likely to have developed and killed me by Monday, there seems little point booking an appointment for Weds really does there?".  She didn't like this.  "I am just the receptionist" she squeaked "I don't know anything about Tetanus, now do you want the appointment or not?".  "Yes I do.  But if by any chance I don't turn up for it  you can assume I am dead. Okay?".   (Note to Mother....if this is the case, you have my permission to sue them for all they are  worth, which considering they are based in Hollinswood probably isn't very much).

I have since checked online and found that Tetanus, if present, is quite slow to develop so I needn't worry.  What does concern me more is why it seems a pre-requisite for all Medical Receptionists to be as rude and unhelpful as possible!  Sadists.

The great part of today is it's the weekend.  Not that weekends hold the same awe as they used to now I work from home......not quite the same as leaving the office on Friday knowing you don't have to see it's ugly face again for a whole sixty hours or so.  But the notion of the weekend still gives me that midly excited feeling, full of hope and potential.  Potential for what though!!  Charlotte and I are actually planning on having a bit of a girlie day tomorrow.  Maisey is with my Mum, Danny is going to a friends and Euan is way too cool to hang with us on a Saturday.  So it's just me and the Bobster hitting the town. 

Happy Days.  OOOh that's another man I used to have a crush on as a child.....The Fonz. 

I really had very low standards.


  1. i agree - receptionists are the worst!!!

  2. Nowt wrong with da Fonz ! Whats more he is a very nice OLDER man now, does tons of charity work , especially with Dyslexics ( he is one ), goes into schools and stuff. The kids love him. Weird how doctors receptionists all seem to have same reputation, although some are COMPLETE ogresses. Enjoy your weekend ! xxx
