Sunday 14 March 2010


Haven't got time to write a great deal but just wanted to check in and shout out a huge big massive


to all the many deserving creatures currently serving under that status.  And of course to any potential mothers or pseudo-mums out there, this goes for you too.

I know some people dislike the concept of having a specified day set aside to celebrate Mothers, perhaps feeling that in truth if you love someone you should hold them in high regard each and every day, but I actually like the idea.  It's wonderful that once a year you can take stock of your relationship with your own mum, and afford her the praise she has merited, alongside receiving a few thankyou's of your own.  Today has been wonderful.  The kids have been their usual bickering selves but the sentiments displayed in their home-made notes was priceless. 

I am sure this can be a painful day for some.  Maybe those whose own mother's are absent, estranged or deceased and additionally for those who have either not been blessed with or have lost children of their own.  My heart goes out to you if this is the case.  I like to think though that Mother's day is a celebration of womanhood as much as motherhood, and all those qualities which women possess to make them such selfless giving creatures.  I often feel saddened that there is not more solidarity between us female folk.  After all, if I'm honest, the people who have the greatest power to make me feel useless are my own female kind, but also the greatest happiness in my life usually comes from the females who are part of it.

Thank you so much if you are one of them.

x x

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