Friday 5 March 2010

What's it all about???

Alfie.............Been for the most enjoyable walk this morning with a wonderful friend and covered between us every topic from the inheritance do's and don't's within the Asian community,  the futility of work Christmas parties, and the shocking greetings used by our mothers.   Was really nice to know that I am not the only child whose mum greets her with comments such as "have you been picking your face again" or "do you WANT your kids to get diabetes??" rather than hello!  My friend's mother answers the telephone with "have you lost weight yet?" which is always fantastic for boosting your daughter's self esteem!   I think for some parents who grew up in the era of non-tactile behaviour and a decided lack of affection it is their way of saying I love you and care about the things that get you down.  Bless em.  Note to self.... do not open conversations in this way.

I do admit to picking at my face far too much however.  Currently it looks like I have been splattered with ketchup, due to all the scabs I've created.  So much so that on my way in to work today I caught a glimpse of myself, figured I looked like I had a contagious rash and decided to pop into Boots and pinch a bit of foundation.  I say pinch....wasn't like I was actually stealing it as I just used the tester.  It did make me wonder why I ever bother buying the stuff though (at £15 a bottle not cheap) when I could quite easily just nip in each day for my freebie makeover.

Another topic we covered was work parties.  My friend, who shall remain anonymous, made a rather valid observation questioning why you would want to attend a party with the people you spend 35 hours a week with every week of the year.   Considering you probably spend less time each day with the person you said "I do" to, surely most people would rather use their freetime for family or friend based activities.  I am guessing employers feel it is a way of encouraging staff morale and bonding.  It is my experience however that they're welcome for one reason and one reason only - if you have a crush on one of your colleagues - in which case a party, plenty of booze and a weakened moral code is exactly what you need.

So yes we did a nice easy walk today and it was tres pleasant.....why do I bother jogging when walking is far more enjoyable?  I'll tell you why, just so that I can call myself a runner and feel like I am one of the fitness elite.  Something tells me when I turn up on Sunday and see all the other race entrants I will realise with an almighty earth bound crash that I am simply never going to be part of that gang.  Once a waddler, always a waddler.  I'm a duck and no amount of time will ever make me a swan.

I actually called the chappie who is hosting the event today......wanted to know how long I'd have before the cut off point.  I was so very anxious that I'd get there do the race and cross the finish line only to find that everyone had packed up and gone on home.  His words to me, in a rather sarcastic tone, were "can I ask, how long are you planning to take?" . "Three days" I replied.  There are approximately three hundred and fifty registered participants and the race is open for entries on the day,  so potentially there could be a mighty turnout.  My predicted placement is second from last.....I am planning on tripping Corrinna over just before she beats me. 

And so only 48 hours to go.  I am cacking my pants and it's not a pretty sight.  Wish me luck or pray for me (depending on where your beliefs lie).....I know it's not that significant in the grand scheme of things but for this little lump it is a mighty challenge and failure is not an option.

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate all the support and positive comments I have been receiving.  Can't believe I have had nearly 2000 hits......and hopefully not all from my mum.

Speak tomorrow x x


  1. GOOD LUCK, GOOD LUCK for the race... you CAN do it!!! I have every faith in you... you can write a funny, witty, yet honest blog about yourself... the run is the easy part!!! (will keep everything crossed for you anyway). xxx

  2. Ditto ! Ditto! Ditto! You think you are not a Swan? Certainly NOT a goose. One heck of a LOVELY DUCK then ! Swans are fine, if rather bland. Ducks on the other hand are wonderfully coloured and taste delicious ! Not planning on eating you, just remember what a beautiful duck you are. Love you and no.... not all my hits !
    xxx ps.... sorry about the dodgy greetings, always want the best for you, will try to amend approach ! Pretty well ingrained but not impossible. Bon Chance for tomorrow ! xx
