Saturday 6 March 2010

Dead duck walking

I am a strong, capable, duck who can and will win the race, I am a strong, capable duck who can and will win the race, I am a strong capable duck who can and will win the race..................

Sorry I'm just practising my new Mantra for tomorrow.  So far it is having no effect other than making me laugh each time I say it, a kind of nervous semi-hysterical laugh like the kind you do when you see someone get run over.  Or is that just me? 

I should warn you that I'm not allowing myself to indulge in any form of negative banter tonight.  I need to be at my absolute mental best tomorrow lunchtime and feel certain this can only be achieved through developing a firm PMA (postitive mental attitude - not refering to my butt) and perhaps a few performance enhancing drugs....anyone know where I could get some at such short notice?  May treat myself to a red bull just before the race, which I appreciate is cheating slightly on the whole lent thing but you'll remember I only actually officially gave up coke.  The fact that one red bull is the equivalent of drinking six cans of cola is irrelevant.

For now though I think it is time for me to go to bed and attempt a decent nights sleep.  That's surely got to be a key ingredient for any top athlete wishing to achieve their personal best!!  oh and any little chubby chops hoping to hobble 10k tomorrow.  Please Lord let there be a few grieving grandmas or pregnant wives completing it in honour of their loved ones out on active duty, and not just a shed load of pro's.    Maybe that's the guise I should use.... say I'm only there in honour of my darling husband who is currently serving in the midst of a battlefield.  Wouldn't actually be lying as our home is probably the closest thing you can get to an all out war zone.  I often wonder if Iraq wouldn't be a tad more peaceful.

Anyway I am entering the realms of whining now and as I have banned myself from any form of complaint or demoralising comment I must take myself off, go try and sleep and see what tomorrow surprises me with. 

Fingers crossed it's not incontinence.


  1. Your own natural adrenaline will do a better job than red bull. That will only set your heart palpitating and make you need to pee more. Go for the healthy option and you will fly along. Good Luck ! All the Best ! Blessings of God on ye ! Bon, BON CHANCE !!!! xxx

  2. Good luck Bambi! I hope you survive to read this! xx
