Saturday 20 March 2010

Confuscious says....

a number of things but perhaps he should have added in a few more, like 'too many children spoil the broth, the house, your social/sex life and your sanity', or 'don't send your kid to the Co-op to buy eggs if his method of transportation is a bike'.  Saying that, sending your child to buy eggs under any circumstances is probably rather naive.  Danny returned from the shop asking "do you want the good news or the bad news?".  Understanding Dan as I do I knew what the bad news would be....he had smashed the eggs against his front wheel.  "What's the good news Dan?".... well simply that he remembered everything on the list - all three items.  I love that boy and his ability to make me giggle, when I'm not wishing to slap him senseless that is.

Talking of wishing to slap people.  This morning via the post I received an anonymous letter.  I would love to say it was from an admirer containing promises of illicit rendezvous and wondrous gifts should the feeling be reciprocal but no such luck.  Instead it was a request for us to cut our overgrown hedge which borders the 'sidewalk'.   Apparently it's becoming rather a nuiscance.  Firstly, who uses the term "sidewalk".....unless some dirty yank come over here just to yap on at me about my bush.  Secondly why the anonymity, after all if they feel the courage of their conviction why not be bold enough to come round and have the grace to acually ask in person.  And thirdly, well there isn't a third thing.  I appreciate that the request is fair and reasonable and no doubt we should be making more of an effort to maintain our property now that we live in snobsville but I particularly take umbrage at the sentence "your neighbours on each side keep their hedges cut".  So, your point is?  If only I had a return address I would perhaps point out that our neighbour is also a closet Morris Dancer, but I'm not about to don a pair of clogs and pansy around jiggling bells over my head.

Can you tell the Sun has gone today?!!

Anyway I have another lesson to prepare for Church tomorrow so best get off and do it.  And the topic???  Love thy neighbour of course.



  1. Whoever the writer was/is if they not brave enough to speak face to face they don't deserve a response. My guess is it IS one of your hedge-manicurist neighbours. I would be tempted to put a signpost up saying I am promoting the hedgerows of England and going au naturelle, encouraging wildlife and leafy proliferation as manicured hedges are an insult to Mother Earth and contribute to global warming.NB that leaf-cutting addicts are welcome to pop said leaves into their own pipe and smoke it.

  2. What a nerve, I'd be darned annoyed at people anonymously telling me when it's time to prune, you SO can't cut it now for at least a month - it probably is from one of those very 2 neighbours on either side who need to get a life, especially that old codgery neighbour who does nothing BUT prune - his trees look ridiculous- oooohh people like that get my goat - did they say please?

  3. My husband said "spineless and rude", and "definitely" one of the 2 that do keep their hedge trimmed.

  4. I say don't do anything about it now.....if they can't let you know in person grow the hedge even more wild!
